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As we all heal the wounded student we go to our bunker with the i guess 13 student

As we go in i let seulgie unnie and irene unnie sit beside me

So unnie what happen there?-i ask them both

Well one of our student cause a misunderstood and the other student spit all on her mind and they fight and accendently the other student use her power and boom-seulgie unnie said and i nod

Well i guess the student surivive will be here along both of you-i said and we smile

Ahhmm..can i borrow tzuyu?-lisa unnie ask the two girl and they nod

What do you need?-i ask her she just drag me to our room

And pin me to the wall

Woah woooahh hey what ha--i was cut when she kiss me aggresively but still passionate

I was shock at first seeing her acting like this but i kiss her back and move my hand to her neck

As she was moving her tounge she also put her hand inside my shirt and she move to my neck and peck it first before sucking it

Ahh li-lisa yah~

We stop when we heard our name being called outside

She move back and let me fix my clothes

Im sorry....-she said looking down

No don't worry i like it too-i said and look at her eyes before kissing her again and go outside

As i go outside i place my hair to the hickey place so they won't see it

What happen why are you calling me?-i ask them and they point at the fruit in front of me

Well fruit at night and morning and lunch-jihyo unnie said reminding us

We nod before continue eating again

As the afternoon pass by night come and we all sleep to our own room well 2 people on one bed and the other they are in sofa and the other boys near the door sleeping on a fluffy mat

As lisa unnie snuggle more to me she enter her hand in my shirt

Don't you dare start it again lalisa they are sleeping-i said and glare at her

Well we have to be quite then-she said smirking i hit her shoulder and she chuckle

Just joking-she said and chuckle

What has gotten to you in bathroom first and you like here too?-i ask her in my unbeleavable tone

Well i just miss my girlfriend smell and body-she said and smirk again

I hit her slightly before crooking to her neck

You smell nice-i wbisper and she giggle

Well my girlfriend always like cuddle so i use always my favorite body wash-she said and giggle

Let's sleep now-she said and i nod before closing my eyes
Ey sorry i end it early
Gotta do something hehe
Goodnight and sweetdreams

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now