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We are now in clinic room and lisa unnie is resting


I open the door revealing the unnie's

Are you ok lisa-yah?-they all go to lisa and ask her

I'm ok unnie's-she said and smile at them

We are sorry-nayeon and jisoo unnie said

No no just tell us hpw did you get kidnap-she said and sit in the bed

Well while we are walking to cafeteria someone student call us and said there's is someone wating for us in the locker so we go all there and there is angelwood student in my locker and we ask him what does he want and i don't know what hapen but after that we just see tzuyu and the guy before in the abandon school in west and we came back here-jihyo unnie said carefully to us

So they really plan so one of us go there to lose the fight but good thing tzuyu came back-lisa unnie said and smile

Well all of you were hypnotize and actually attack me too-i said and chuckle

And i'm sorry for pushing you before jisoo unnie-i add and she shook her head


2 months later

We are now in cafeteria eating with the unnie's when came to us

May i excuse tzuyu and lisa? ask the unnie and they nod

We follow in the principal office and she let us seat

What happen unnie ask him

In 3 hours all the student have to evacuate cause a there is a  virus came from monster and it start to  paradise university that is spreding now-he said in a tense tone

We should let them go now-i said and stand up

No no i order someone to evacuate them from now let's go to the field all the fighter like you will help to kill all the monster-he said and we three run to the field

We see many student and a principal and professor in their

*clear throat* so all of you came now as your principal said there is a virus spreading now and all of us here will fight the monster who have the virus while the student who evacuate now will stay in a big  dorminatory and the professor will find the cure for it so please fight as long as you can but from now let's go evacuate now-the principal of paradise said and we start to run to the derminatory where the principal said

As we are there many mix student are still outside

-dorminatory-As we are there many mix student are still outside

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(Who know that anime😏)

For all student go inside and go to the hall-one of the principal there shoit using the megaphone

All the student outside go inside and also we are

We all find our unnie inside thankfully they are near the door

What happen?!!-nayeon unnie ask us

Well there is a virus spreading in monster now we have to stay here and we will fight them-i said and rhey all look at with wth face

"To all student here please listen there is now virus spreading in east from now all of you will live here and the other student will fight the monster while the professor find the cure so please understand it"

What there is a virus!!!

Shit i forgot my charger in the class!!

After a minute all the student find they're room as we both lisa unnie too

Unnie this is our room huh we are with sinb,yuju and two more girl student-i said and she nod we enter the room and we see sinb and yuju unnie

Unnie!-i call them and i hug them

You both ok?-sinb unnie ask us and we nod

The door open and reveal the irene and seulgie unnie yes they appologize when we had fight before but were still not close but no time for that

Ohhh unnie you both ok?-i ask them and they nod

Should we talk about right now?-i add and we all gather in circle

Can i ask how many student are here?-yuju unnie ask

As i know there is 429 student here and the principal and professor here is 7 so 436 all-seulgie unnie answer her and we nod

The girls student are in top floor but we are in first floor because we are gonna help the principal and professor and the boys are in 2nd floor -lisa unnie said and we stand up

Where are you both going?-irene unnie ask us

We will build a barrier for these dorminatory-i said and we run and they foloow us

As we go to the gate we see the principal and professor

What are you doing here? ask us

We will help you-i said

No no just call the boys in room 289 290-he said and sinb and yuju unnie run inside

And can you do as favor-one principal ask us

Yes what is it?-we all answer

Go to the rooftop there and look if there is monster coming that's all if there's just signal us-he said and we nod

All four of us go to rooftop and see if there is a monster

Unnie...there there!!-i shoit and they look where i point

(I know this zombie are strong but let's make it soft😉)

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(I know this zombie are strong but let's make it soft😉)

We jump down and called the principal there is monster in 4 blocks away!!!-i said panicking

Don't panic all of that zombie or monster are not weak or strong so don't worry we handle it and help us also-he said and we help them build the trap and more

Cut see you in next chap.

Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now