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i'm on my way to fetch lisa now


Speaking of the devil

Ohh lisa-yah what sup?!-i ask to the phone

Good you?-she ask me

Well here i am now driving toward your house-i said and chuckle

Ohh ok you should drive first-she said

Ahh no it's ok i want to hear your voice so talk while i drive-i said and smile

Ok about the competition it's on saturday right and today is.....thrustday so i would like us to train really hard this day and tomorrow just half of the day we will train so we won't hard ourself so agree?-she ask me

Ok sure and tomorrow let's have a date again-i said cheerfully

Ok ok *chuckle* ohh i see your car now i hung up now-she said

Ohhh ok-i said and she hung up

I arriave in front of lisa jouse and she is waitng for me

Did you wait for so long-i ask her and she shook her head

Ohh let's go now-i said and open the door for her

Thank you by the way your car is really nice-she said and smile widely

Thank you by the way your car is really nice-she said and smile widely

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Buckel up i drive now-i said and start the engine and go to school

-time skip-

We just arriave at school and seem like stident start to whisper again

Ohhh another car now wow

Tzuyu driving wow still pretty

Are they in relationship?

I guess yes they always together

Let's go forget about the them-she said and drag me

Should we go visit the principal?-i said and she nod

We enter the hall with many whisper

We ignore them a walk like we are the queen hehe~

Ohh tzuyu and lisa-yah why are you here?-my unnie ask me with lisa unnie nodding

Well i said we should visit the principal-i said to my unnie

Then you both should go now you don't like many whisper-jihyo unnie said and we nod

Bye unnie-i said and we lisa wave our hand

-principal office-
We open the door reaviling the principal talking to someone i think we are on wrong timing

I was about to close rhe door again but she sign us to come

So we enter silently and seat in front of him

"Ok thank you for saying that good bye"

We are sorry to interupt your call-lisa unnie said

No no you just came in exact time-he said and we look at each othe before we look at mr. Kim

What do you mean?-i ask

Well the assasin of our school said there many monster there and he need some commarade so i guess that's you both-he said and smile at us

Well we are ok actuaĺy we talk about training hard today so this is nice-i said and stand up as lisa unnie

So where is the place unnie ask

Where you are pracricing in the back of garden-he said

Ohh ok let's go-lisa unnie said and we wave good bue before going out


Lightning Strike/Love At First Sight-litzu(tzuyu x lisa)Where stories live. Discover now