Chapter Four: Barely Even Awake

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"Marinette please, I know who you are! I know that you're Lady-"

Marinette woke with a jolt as Luka lightly shook her shoulder. His eyes, although piercing, gazed into hers with such delicacy and concern.

"Are you alright? You were crying and sweating," he asked, his voice still a low hum in the morning hustle and bustle. The sheets were moistened with her sweat as were her pillows.

"Yeah I'm fine, just a bad dream," she replied. Luka wasn't having it. He could tell that there was more than she was letting on, but he also didn't want to pry.

"Alright, but if you want to talk about it, I'm here if you need me Mari. I don't want you to break down again," he responded. Marinette reminisced on that day that she broke down in Luka's arms all those years ago.

She wasn't going to admit that she was over Adrien because she still had feelings for him deep down. However, she learned to accept that he only saw her as a friend and moved on. Did she like anyone? She wasn't quite sure. She knew of people who were attracted to her, which became an influx when she started wearing her hair down.

"Thank you Luka. Now uh, can you please let me up?" Marinette asked politely. He hadn't realised it, but as they were talking, Luka had leaned over her slightly.

"Right, sorry about that Ma-Ma-Marinette," He retorted, using the nickname she both loved and hated equally.

"I'm going to the bathroom to get changed okay? Try not to peek this time okay?" Marinette giggled, referring to the previous night's dilemma. She knew it wasn't his fault, but seeing how red his face got at the statement was payment enough.

She slipped into the bathroom with her pink duffel bag and rummaged through the mass of clothes.There was easily three day's worth of clothes in the bad. Was she staying the whole weekend?

She plucked a black denim skirt from the bag, chains dangling from the belt loops where a double eyelet belt sat. She pulled out a teal, off the shoulder long sleeve that had black straps to rest on the shoulders to ensure it didn't fall down, and tucked it into her skirt with a small amount of the fabric drooping over the sides. Then threw on a pair of black flats and put her hair into a high ponytail.

She returned to the bedroom to see Luka already dressed and fiddling with one of his picks. He was dressed in a white tee and a black hoodie, which rested under a blue flannel. His black ripped jeans were a skinny fit, which clung to his thighs and calves.

"Ready to go?" Luka asked, holding his hand out for her to grab.

"Oh thank you good Sir," she replied in a very poorly done British accent. She took his hand and curtseyed before the two of them broke out into fits of giggles. Marinette yawned as she finished laughing, causing Luka to yawn also.

"You're contagious, I swear," Luka said, his voice deepened by the yawn he spoke through.

"Sorry about that, I'm barely even awake. Usually I lay in bed for an hour once I wake up so I'm a bit tired," Marinette replied, walking towards the door. "Now come on, I smell bacon!" she squealed excitedly. She turned to run for the door, not realising it was right behind her and she ran face first into the solid wood.

"Only you could manage to run into a door that was right behind you head first," Luka chuckled.

"Shut up and get me tissues, my nose is bleeding!" Marinette exclaimed. Sure enough, she turned around with her nose dripping dark red blood into her cupped hands. Luckily, it hadn't gotten on her clothes.

Luka rushed to his bedside cabinet and pulled about 10 tissues out. He placed his right hand under her chin and used his hand full of tissues to pinch her nose.

"Breathe through your mouth, it may take a while to stop the bleeding. Tilt your head back as well, it helps," Luka explained, keeping his hand under Marinette's chin as she took the tissues.

After about ten minutes and almost a whole box of tissues, Marinette's nose had finally stopped bleeding. Luka grabbed a warm, damp cloth and gently wiped the dried blood from around her nose.

Luka's touch was gentle, the washcloth barely grazing her porcelain skin. Her irritated skin turning red in an attempt to sooth the itch. Marinette scrunched up her nose on impulse, the continuous itch making it hard for her to keep a straight face.

"There you go, just like before," Luka stated softly, his voice no louder than a murmur. They hadn't noticed until now, but as Luka tended to Marinette's nose, they had leaned quite close to each other. Luka could feel Marinette's warm breath against his cheek and the urge to pull her face closer was immeasurable.

However, she pulled away from him as if they weren't centimetres away from connecting their lips.

"I may have hurt myself but I still want bacon!" Marinette exclaimed. She managed to open the door before running towards wherever the food was. Luka joined her, and they soon finished the salty bacon.

They walked from the kitchen out to the deck and off the houseboat. Marinette couldn't help but notice that Luka was getting quite a few messages and he was responding very quickly. Was there something wrong? The cobblestone streets were surprisingly empty for a Saturday morning. A warm breeze blew Marinette's hair around her shoulders.

"Here we are! There's a little surprise further up so close your eyes," Luka said eagerly, almost bouncing around as they stood at the entrance of an amusement park. She obliged and was soon pulled by the arm. She could feel themselves turn a few corners before figuratively screeching to a halt.

"Okay, open!" Luka said. Before she had the chance to fully open her eyes, she was pushed and heard a familiar brunette's voice mutter a quick 'oopsies' before being greeted with a pair of lips on hers. She opened her eyes to see emerald green eyes and blonde hair. She instantly pulled away from Adrien as tears swelled in her eyes.

She turned to see Luka running away from the scene, his fists balled tightly.
This wasn't good.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now