Chapter Six: He Knows

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Marinette stared at the dessert in front of her, still pondering those who match it. Perhaps it was a message to love herself first? She wasn't exactly sure, but it seemed like the most understandable answer.

The thought made her realise how much she put others before herself, and how much disregard she had for her own well being. Always taking care of the city as Ladybug, staying up until ridiculous hours of the morning for assignments and even doing favours that she knows she shouldn't.

"What's wrong Mari?" Luka asked, snapping her from her own thoughts. His face was riddles with concern, small crinkles forming at the sides of his eyes.

"I don't think I was ever in love with Adrien," she said bluntly, taking Luka by surprise. His brows furrowed in confusion, the words coming from the bluenette's mouth making no sense.

"What do you mean? You were head over heels, of course you were in love!" Luka exclaimed.

"In love, yes. With Adrien? No. I was in love with the idea of love, Luka. I don't know what it is like to be in love with someone," Marinette wallowed as she spoke, tears building in her eyes.

"Hey, I know what it's like if it's any consolation," Luka replied. His once concerned expression relaxed into a soft smile. His eyes glimmered as he started talking.

"It's putting their needs before your own. It's that feeling that you get in your chest that hurts so badly but feels so good when you're around that person," he paused, looking Marinette in the eyes and putting his hand on her shoulder.

"It's what Alya feels for Nino. It's what Marc feels for Nathaniel. It's what Juleka feels for Rose. It's what I feel whenever I'm around one girl in particular. It's what Chat Noir felt for you, Marinette," Luka explained.

Chat loved her? No, he loved Ladybug. But that meant Luka knew. But how could he know? What was she thinking, he was obviously referring to when they faked their relationship.

"Oh, right, about that. The relationship wasn't actually real. It was just to please my father after he saw us hug, thats all," Marinette responded, hoping that it was what he was referring to. She felt the palms of her hand begin to sweat with anxiousness.

"Marinette, you don't need to hide it from me. I won't tell anyone, I promise you," Luka said, lightly squeezing her shoulder.

"I'm being serious, Luka. Chat Noir loved Ladybug, not me. You've really lost the plot haven't you?" She replied nervously, her heart pounding in fear.

"Marinette," he said softly. "Why do you never change your earrings? Alya got you a pair on your birthday and yet you haven't taken those ones off since Ladybug showed up three years ago," Luka said sternly, pressing her for answers. She remained silent and looked down at the flowing water.

He removed his hand from her shoulder and stood up. His hand was extended down to help her up and Marinette instinctively took it. Her face had fear drawn all over it, not wanting to reveal her identity.

"Let's go back to my place, we shouldn't talk about this out in public," Luka said, taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze.

As the two walked the three blocks to the houseboat, Marinette wouldn't look up from her feet the entire time. They boarded the houseboat and went down to Luka's bedroom.

"I don't doubt that you're anxious about this. I was anxious when you gave me my miraculous too," The statement from the boy made Marinette's eyes widen.

"Luka, you're worrying me. Did you hit your head or something? I was given the mouse miraculous, how could I have given you a miraculous?" She said so fast that her words were almost indecipherable.

"But you aren't shocked I'm a hero, Mari. Everyone else would be shocked unless they already knew it was me, and only one person does. Ladybug," His stern expression remained as he pried further.

"Look, Luka. I don't know what you're trying to say but whatever it is, it's not true. How about you stick to guitar and leave the Ladybug stuff for Alya, okay?" Marinette smiled, hoping to put the conversation to an end.

Luka sighed, looking down and shaking his head. He chuckled before looking back up at Marinette with a smirk on his face. He brought his mouth to Marinette's ear.

Marinette felt his hot breath against her ear and neck, giving her goosebumps and sending a tingle down her spine. She sucked in her stomach, as Luka spoke.

"I know you're Ladybug," he whispered quietly into her ear. Marinette felt vulnerable under him. He had an arm on either side of her to keep his balance, which made the situation no better.

"How?" she stuttered, not realising that she practically admitted to being the idolised superhero by asking. Luka's mouth remained by her ear as he lightly chuckled.

"I could never mistake that beautiful voice of yours, nor those gorgeous blue eyes," He stated. His voice still low but, huskier than before. It made Marinette's face flush bright red, almost the same colour as her alter ego's suit.

She soon realised she had admitted to her identity and started to panic. Thoughts invaded her mind like thousands of knives and her chest felt as if there were rubber bands compressing around it like a watermelon. Her head pounded and her hands perspired like crazy.

"Oh no,"

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now