Chapter Nineteen: K

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Marinette made it to the scene before the boys, scoping out the surrounding area amd assessing the safety of the situation. There the culprit was. And they were wielding a pistol. a weapon that was clearly meant for Marinette's demise. But if Marinette wasn't the one bringing Adrien then... Oh no.

She raced to where the boys were on the road and they came screeching to a halt in front of her. She explained the situation and demanded the boys to return to the bakery. She used her yo-yo to propel herself back to the scene, only to see the culprit was gone.

"You know, this wasn't meant for you but unless you help me, this bullet will go straight into your skull," The suspect stated, the calmness of their voice eerily soothing.

"Now now, no need to do anything drastic. Just put the gun down," Ladybug requested, but to no avail. The figure pointed the gun at her leg and fired. The bullet burned as it pierced the suit and entered Marinette's leg. She screamed in pain, the noise echoing through the quiet city. That's when they heard Chat.

"Keep your paws to yourself Miss Tsurugi," Chat Noir demanded, knocking the weapon out of her hand with his baton. Kagami was enraged, running towards him and throwing punches that he dodged with ease. She grunted as the missed yet another punch and fell to the ground.

Marinette swung to the bakery and detransformed, calling for Luka with what little strength she had left. The pain was so unbearable it made her dizzy and her vision split into threes. Luka strolled up the stairs but as soon as he saw the blood, he ran to Marinette's side. He grabbed his phone and hastily dialled 112.

He had to lie of course, seeing as he couldn't exactly say his crush had been shot as Ladybug and casually came home with a bullet in her leg. He told them that they got mugged and that he brought her home, before being told that an ambulance was on the way. Marinette screamed in pain yet again as Luka applied pressure to the wound to try to stop the bleeding.

It wasn't long before the ambulance arrived, the paramedics coming into the bakery with a transportable bed and carefully lifting her onto it. Luka wasn't allowed to ride in the ambulance as the seats were filled by the paramedics. Marinette's phone had fallen from her pocket, so he unlocked it and called her mother.

"Hello Sweetheart how are-" Sabine was cut off by Luka's panicked voice.

"Look someone was threatening Mari and they threw boxes through the bakery window and then they shot her. It's only her leg but meet us at the hospital ASAP," He said quickly, his words almost merging together. He didn't get a response, just the sound of the call being ended. He ran outside and put on his helmet before getting on his motorbike.

Back with Marinette, her bed was rushed through the hospital doors. She was pushed through to the emergency room where doctors and nurses swarmed around her. Her wails of pain filled the emergency department and caused panic amongst the other patients.

"19-year-old female suffering with vulnus sclopetarium. Get her prepped for laparoscopic bullet removal and proceed immediately," the head doctor ordered, other staff getting to work instantly. It wasn't long before they placed the anaesthetic mask over her face and she passed out.

The surgery took three hours, as the would had already began to close and get infected. Luka was at her side holding her hand in the recovery ward, only leaving her side once to go to the bathroom. She remained asleep for another hour or two before she woke up.

"Luka," she stirred as she turned her head to face him. He mustn't have heard her as she got no response, so she gave his hand a very light squeeze. Luka nearly cried as he embraced her, being mindful of her newly patched up leg.

"Don't you ever engage in a situation with a gun again, you hear me? You've had me worried sick!" Luka cried, sobbing into her purple hospital robes. She carefully brought her arm up and returned his embrace. Marinette's parents had to return to Paris from London which was a six hour car ride, but arrived a short time later.

"Mrs Cheng, Mr Dupain, may I please speak to your daughter?" The officer asked, making Marinette panic. How was she supposed to tell them that she was shot as Ladybug? The officer sat at the end of the bed, making sure to stay clear of her injured leg.

"Before you ask, I am aware of your... situation. Just tell me what happened as Ladybug and I'll sort out a story for the public," the officer stated. The police force myst've finally figured it out. It took them long enough seeing as they're supposed to pick up on people in masks.

Marinette explained the situation and what had happened at the bakery earlier that day. Roger took notes as she spoke, making sure to get all of the crucial information. This was when he told her that Kagami had intended to keep Adrien hostage. Marinette was infuriated, how could Kagami do this?

The bluenette took some deep breaths before Roger nodded and left her to be with her parents again. It didn't take Tom and Sabine long to reunite with their daughter and cautiously hug her. Safe to say, they were worried sick. Their baby girl had been shot for goodness sake.

"We are so so sorry it took so long to get here Honey, are you feeling okay after your surgery?" Sabine asked, her eyes brimming with tears. Marinette hated seeing her mother cry, mainly because it made her cry as well. She just nodded, not game enough to try and speak in case she sobbed.

It was another two days before they released her and let her go home, only to monitor her vitals and her pain. She was on crutches, but otherwise fully mobile. Although it would leave a nasty scar and caused her horrendous pain, she would never give up being Ladybug. Not for anything in the world.

Or so she thought.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now