Chapter Twenty-Seven: Chloe and Sabrina

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When Marinette woke up, the others were already seated on the floor engaged in conversation. They seemed to already be dressed, while she was still in her pyjamas. Almost in sync, everyone except for Luka's phone went off. It was a message from Chloe asking them to meet at Le Grand Paris Hotel.

Marinette changed into a black tank top, a red plaid skirt and a simple pair of Doc Martens before the five of them went over to the hotel to see what Chloe had to say. It must have been important if she asked to meet them rather than just saying what needed to be said over the phone. When they arrived, Sabrina was the only other guest there.

"Hey Chloe, what's up?" Alya asked politely. Chloe's hands were shaking like crazy as her palms began to sweat. She took a deep breath and began to speak.

"I have three things I want to say mainly because I trust you guys," She said nervously, jitters rocking her speech. Marinette walked up to Chloe and placed her hand gently on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you trust us, you don't have to be nervous," The bluenette explained calmly, her tone sincere and polite. Chloe took another deep breath before making her first announcement.

"Firstly, I want to say that I am bisexual and I really hope you are okay with that," Chloe said hesitantly. Marinette and Alya just smiled widely at her and hugged them tightly.

"Same," The bluenette and brunette said in sync as they hugged the blonde girl. Chloe started to cry happy tears and sobbed into Marinette's shoulder.

"Second, I feel more comfortable using she/they pronouns," She continued, allowing the five guests to take in what she said before making her final announcement.

"And finally, Sabrina and I are together," she said as their girlfriend kissed them on the cheek. She smiled wide, looking back at the others for approval. Safe to say, everyone was very happy for Chloe and Sabrina and accepted them without a second thought. Adrien was the happiest of the lot, squeezing Chloe tightly.

The seven adults went up to Chloe's suite and shared some champagne to celebrate Chloe's coming out. They laughed and talked all day, hanging out until the sun started to set. The five from the bakery said goodbye to Chloe and Sabrina before heading to their own homes. Even Luka went home after picking up his stuff from Mari's house.

With that, she was left alone for the first time in the past few days. She changed into a pink flannel pair of pyjamas and brushed her wavy blue tresses. She went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water before laying on her bed and watching the recorded version of Jagged Stone's latest concert.

A knock at her window was again the thing that interrupted her. She opened the window and in crawled Adrien. He seemed really happy and his face was carpeted with blush. She assumed something good had happened with Kagami, so she didn't want to ruin it by being sarcastic.

"Someone looks happy," She said, examining his expression. He nodded, his smile still prominent on his face.

"I broke up with Kagami because I realised I have feelings for this girl who has loved me for the longest time," He stated calmly. So calmly in fact that it confused Marinette. Why was he so happy about breaking up with his girlfriend who loved him?

"Okay then? Well do I know her?" Marinette asked. Adrien nodded and started to describe the girl he had fallen for. Dark silky hair, deep and mysterious eyes, it app pointed to being Kagami still. Unless... Mirelle maybe? Juleka and Marc fit the description but havent loved him and are in happy relationships.

Marinette was thoroughly confused. Who could he be talking about. He led her out onto the balcony where there was fairy lights wrapped around the railings. She had illuminated the balcony since having Chat Noir visit her. She was still unsure as to who he was describing though.

"So who is the special girl?" Marinette asked, hoping to get an answer out of him. He smiled and faced towards her, walking up to her until their faces were only inches apart. She tried to move back, but she was stuck against the railing and if she leant back any further, she'd fall. Chat Noir placed a long kiss against her cheek before whispering in her ear.

"You, M'lady".

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now