Chapter Thirty-Two: Pregnancy

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Month Two
Marinette's morning sickness wasn't exactly morning sickness. It was all day sickness. If she just merely smelled anything she would start to gag and nearly vomit. This was the worst part of the pregnancy for her, especially with her being emetophobic. Every time it happened she would sob, afraid of what was coming out of her mouth.

Luka was an angel during this time, holding her hair back for her and bringing her glasses of water to sip on. He even bought her anti-nausea tablets which may not have tasted the greatest, but it helped a lot.

Month Three
As she neared the end of her first trimester, the morning sickness lessened and her breasts became tender and enlarged. The baby was about three inches long now, meaning her stomach was starting to appear slightly bigger than usual. Not many people knew she was pregnant, only Luka, Adrien, Nino and Alya.

Not even her parents were aware of it yet. It was next month that they planned to tell her parents about her pregnancy, that way it was a surprise to them. Mari was relieved that her and Luka had been safe the first time, if this happened any earlier she would've freaked out.

Month Four
It was time to tell her parents the big news. They had ordered a black custom baby onesie with the words 'Baby Couffaine' written on the front in white text and two small footprints. When it arrived, they packed it into multiple boxes, meaning it would be a little adventure for Sabine and Tom to actually get it.

Marinette handed the box to her father, who had to use a knife to get the tape off. Him and Sabine each took turns opening box by box until they reached the last one. The last box was wrapped in yellow wrapping paper and was tied with a little red ribbon. Marinette's parents looked at each other before undoing the ribbon and opening the box.

As soon as Tom laid eyes on the small onesie, tears came to his eyes and fell down his cheeks. Sabine squealed. That was her whole reaction. A big, loud, high-pitched squeal. The two new parents were embraced by the older ones.

"We are going baby shopping and we are getting your baby the cutest clothes," Sabine said excitedly. Marinette was glad the response was good.

Month Five
With her parent's help, they bought the cutest little baby bassinette. It was white with a hood that arched over the back half of the cradle. A little mint green blanket was laid inside with the word 'Couffaine' embroidered into the bottom left corner. They wanted to choose neutral colours as they wanted to baby's sex to be announced at a party.

Sabine was going to be informed and she was in charge of organising a gender reveal party. At their routine checkup, the doctor pulled Sabine aside, told her the sex of the baby, and that's when the planning began.

Month Six
It was the third day of her sixth month of pregnancy that Marinette found out the sex of her and Luka's baby. Sabine had invited all of Marinette's friends over for the gender reveal party. She had baked cake pops, each coated in yellow icing. They were all white cake except for one, which had been dyed either pink or blue for the corresponding gender.

Luka went first, getting a white cake pop. Alix, Juleka, Rose, Chloe, Sabrina and Mylene all got white, as well as Marinette. Ivan got white, along with Nino, Nathaniel, Marc, Max and Kim. Tom and Sabine each had a white, and all that was left was Alya and Adrien.

They each took a step back from the circle they had created and took a bite at the same time.

"Oh my God!" they said in sync with each other.

"It's a girl!"

"It's a boy!"

They also said in sync. The two looked at each other before facing Sabine in confusion. It clicked for Alya first, a metaphorical lightbulb appearing above her head.

"You're having twins!" She squealed, waving her hands about crazily. Luka and Marinette looked at each other excitedly, tears filling both of their eyes. Luka picked Marinette up and spun her around carefully, making sure not to hit anyone with her. They were ecstatic. They were having not one baby, but two!

Month Seven
Marinette was definitely showing now. Her back hurt from carrying around the weight that hung on her front half, and she was most comfortable when she was asleep. Getting down the stairs was a hassle, she was always hungry and she just wanted to cry all of the time. Pregnancy was hard for her, and it was worrying Luka.

How could he cheer her up? He wasn't exactly sure, but he knew that her being comfortable was the main priority. Both Marinette and her family agreed that it would be best if she stayed in her room unless going to the bathroom or to the hospital for checkups and being in labour. Luka was okay with this too.

This was the toughest month for Marinette, being the first month of her third trimester. Surely it only got easier from here... right?

Month Eight
She was right, it did get easier with time. She still limited her movement, but she was able to get around her room a bit better whilst remaining a bit more stable. Although her stomach was, to say the least, massive, she managed to get around quite well. They had the names Eloise and Jamie picked out for their babies and were more than ecstatic for them to arrive.

Month Nine
Marinette was simply getting up to stretch her legs when she felt liquid running down her legs. Her stomach cramped and she knew what was happening. Her water had just broke.

"Maman! Papa! Luka!" she cried, trying to get her hospital bag together. They had prepared a bag for when this day came and today was the day they would finally use it. Luka arrived upstairs first, followed by her parents soon after.

"What's wrong my melody?" Luka asked calmly, not wanting to freak her out.

"My water... its broken!" Marinette replied, trying to remain as calm as possible. Suddenly, a shard pain caused her to scream, and thats when they knew they had to get moving to the hospital. Luka took the bag off her and raced down to Tom and Sabine's car to pack it in there before collecting Marinette and helping her down the stairs and into the car.

The four of them, as much as they hate to admit that they broke the law, sped to the hospital and rushed directly into the emergency ward. A nurse politely asked them what was happening, only to get a panicked response.

"It's my girlfriend, she's in labour. Her name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng, birthday July 9, 2002. Please she's in a lot of-" Luka was cut off my Marinette screaming at another contraction.

It was going to be a long day.

You're Stuck in my Head//A Lukanette Story [UNDER EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now