Chapter 9: Lazy Day

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The next day was a Saturday so Will was taking care of all three kids. After they all fell asleep on the couch the night before, Will left them there and went back to his and JJ's room. When he woke up and went out to the livingroom, he found Michael snuggled against Briella and Henry right beside them. His phone started to ring so he went into the kitchen and looked at it, not wanting to wake the kids up so that Briella could sleep off her fever.

He saw that it was JJ who was calling so he answered the phone.

"Hey babe."


"Why are you calling so early?"

"Well, we caught the unsub and got a confession already so we are coming home today. We are already on the Jet but I didn't want to call earlier because I knew that you'd still be sleeping."

"Okay. Is Emily coming to get Briella?"

"Yes. She is going to drop me off at the house and pick Briella up before she goes back to her house."

"Okay. Love you."

"Bye love you too." And with that, JJ hung up.

Will decided to get some breakfast ready and he decided to make some scrambled eggs. As he was cooking, Henry stirred in the other room because of the smell. A few minutes later he woke up and made his way to the kitchen.

"Morning bud."

"Morning dad."

There was a pause of silence as Henry sat at the island and stretched his arms above his head.

He yawned. "Is mommy coming home today?"

"Yeah." Will nodded his head.

He finished making the eggs and handed a plate full to Henry. Will handed Henry the salt and pepper while he made more eggs for everyone else.

In the livingroom, Briella woke up. She started to move and then she saw Michael snuggled up against her.

"Michael, wake up." She was gently shaking him awake. She didn't feel much better but she was hungry. Michael slowly opened his eyes and smelled the scrambled eggs. They were his favorites. Actually, it was one of all of the kid's favorite breakfast foods. They both got up and went to join Will and Henry in the kitchen.

When Briella and Michael arrived in the kitchen, Will got them both a plate as they sat beside Henry at the island. "How you feeling Briella?"

"A little Better than yesterday."

"At least that's better than before."

Briella nodded and ate her scrambled eggs. "Any requests before I start eating?"

Henry spoke up. "Can I have some apple juice?"

"Yes. Anyone else want apple juice?"

Briella and Michael both raised their hands. "Me!" They both said at the same time.

Will walked over to the fridge while the kids ate. He got them all blue cups with Spiderman on them. They said thank you and continued eating. When Henry was done eating, he spoke up. "Hey Michael, Mommy is coming home today!"

"Yay!" Michael jumped up and Briella looked up knowing that if JJ was coming home, so was Emily and she missed her so much.

Briella finished her eggs and went back to the couch to lay down. She still felt yucky and just wanted to lay down. Michael came over after he finished his eggs and layed down beside her. He snuggled up against her. Will came over to the livingroom while Henry put the dishes in the dishwasher and started it. "Do you guys want to watch a movie while we wait for mommy and Aunt Emily?"

"Yeah!" Michael jumped against Briella while she simply nodded. Will went though all of the DVD's and they all settled on "Finding Nemo." Will put in the CD and settled on the couch next to Briella and Michael, Henry joining them when he was done with he dishes.

They watched the movie the whole way through, except Briella. She fell asleep about a half hour into it, which was understandable because she still had a fever.

An hour later, they heard someone come into the house. There were two someones. Michael was the first to move. He shot off of where he was sitting and ran full force into JJ. "Mommy!"

"Hey buddy! I missed you!"

He hugged her legs as she shuffled to the livingroom. She went to find Will sitting on the couch with Henry and Briella laying on Henry's lap. Briella was still asleep. Emily chuckled at the sight and leant down to pick her up. She was only 6 so she was pretty light. Henry stood up and grabbed Briella's overnight bag to give to Emily. She took it and made her way back to the door. "Bye everyone!"

"Bye Auntie Emi!"

Emily opened the door and went to the car. She put Briella in her boosterseat and shut the door. She went around to her door and got in to start making their way home.

It was a very short drive since Emily lived around the block from JJ  and they got there in less than 2 minutes. Emily parked the car and  made her way back to Briella's door. She carried her into the house and locked the door. She took her into her room and covered her with her comforter. Emily shut the door leaving a crack and made her way to her room. She got changed into a tee shirt and shorts and layed down in her bed. She got settled when she heard her door open. Opening it was little Briella. "Can I lay with you?"

"Of course sweetheart." Emily made room for her and Briella climbed into bed beside her. She snuggled into Emily and Emily put a arm around her. They slowly drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

Word count: 1006

I know that I have been updating much but I think this chapter is cute! We get to see a little more of Will in this one too! I really hope you all enjoyed and have a happy Valentine's day!

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