Chapter 6: Home, Finally

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Emily woke up when the plane landed in Virginia. She leaned over Briella and nudged her awake. "Briella, we're here." She fluttered her eyes open while the rest of the team was getting their things ready to get off of the plane. She looked up at Emily and smiled. She then looked around her and sat up. Emily stood up and folded Briella's blanket. She motioned for Briella to stand up and Emily grabbed her hand. The team filled out of the door one by one. Emily and Briella were the last left. She looked down at her new charge. "Are you ready?" Briella looked up at her and nodded with a big smile.

They walked down the steps and started to head to the SUV's to take them back to the BAU. As usual, JJ and Emily were in a car with Briella and the other 3 were in the other SUV. Briella talked the whole way to the BAU, which was only about 10 minutes. When they arrived, Briella and Emily switched into her own car, as did the rest of the team. They all pulled out of the parking garage one by one, all going in different directions. JJ went to get Michael from his babysitter and was going to wait for Henry to get out of school. Hotch went to go wait for Jack, Morgan went to go home, Reid went to go pack so he could go visit his mom. On the way, Emily told Briella all about the different restaurants, parks, and other buildings as they passed them. Briella looked out the backseat window in awe as Emily was pointing out the different locations and buildings. The car finally came to a stop about 20 minutes later at a small apartment complex. Emily parked along the curb at the side of the building and turned the car off. "Welcome home!"

Briella couldn't wait any longer so she opened the door before Emily could even get out of the car. Briella was carrying her blanket and one of her bags and Prentiss reached over and grabbed the other one. She shut the door and Briella situated her blanket so that she could hold Emily's hand as they walked into the building. There was a little lobby and an elevator. They got into it and Emily pressed the top button. She lived in the penthouse at the top floor of the building. There was a brief elevator ride before it completely came to a stop and the doors opened. The elevator lead right into Emily's penthouse. "Welcome to your new home." Briella let go of Emily's hand and walked out of the elevator. She started to look around. "Do you want a tour?" "Yes." Briella said as she turned around to find Emily again. Emily showed her the livingroom, the kitchen, and the dining room.

Then she lead her back the hallway. She stopped at the first door on the left and Emily opened it. "This is my room." She put her go-bag down on the ground right by the door. She allowed Briella to take a quick look before she shut the door. They walked across the hallway. "Here is the bathroom." She pointed to the door across from her bedroom. She opened it to reveal a beautiful bathroom. It had grey walls, a white tiled bathtub, and white tiled floors. There were mirrors all around and some of them were even Briella's height. She came out of the bathroom and Emily shut the door. She lead her down the hallway and stopped and the next door to the right. Right beside the bathroom.

"Here is one of the guest rooms. I have two. You can pick whichever one you like the best." Briella nodded and walked out of the room. They turned themselves around to go to the room beside Emily's. Briella opened the door this time and she fell in love with the room. There was a big closet, a big room, and a bathroom. "I want this one." "I figured you would." Emily let out a small chuckle. There was a full bed in the middle of the room. "Can I keep this bed? I like it better than my old one." Emily nodded. Can we paint the walls too?" The walls were a soft green color. Not the prettiest but that was what color the walls were when she moved in and she didn't have time to paint. "Yes we absolutely can. What color were you thinking?" "White. Maybe."

Emily laughed again seeing as she was a mini her. She could never make up her mind and she could already tell that Briella was stubborn, like she was. She could tell that it was a match made in Heaven. There was one more room that they hadn't gone into yet at the back of the house. "What's in there?" Briella pointed when they finally came out of the room. "Close your eyes." Briella did just that and Emily moved behind her and held her shoulders to guide her forward. They went into the room before Emily told her to open her eyes. In it, there was a movie theater. There was a popcorn machine, bookshelves lined with DVD's. Briella decided that there had to be over a hundred. There were leather recliners and a loveseat and a couch. The best part was the huge tv screen on the wall at the front of the room. "Do you like it?" "No." Emily got worried when Briella paused. "I love it!"

Briella ran back to Emily and jumped into her arms, giving her a big hug. Emily put her down after a minute. "Do you want some lunch?" "Yeah! I'm hungry." "Do you want to go get food at this little bakery?" "Sure!" And with that, Briella ran out of the room to get back to the elevator. Emily followed close behind the energetic 6 year old. She was so happy that Briella came home with her and she couldn't wait to see what would happen in the future with her new foster daughter.

Word count: 1025

**Just a cute little chapter for you all. :)**

**PSA: If you do not like my story or what I write into it then simply don't read it**

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