Chapter 10: Scares

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A few weeks had passed and Briella was feeling the best she's ever felt. She was very content with her life with Emily and every thing was perfect. The only thing that she didn't care for was when Emily went on long cases, but she was with Henry and Michael most of the time so it made her feel better.

Emily was on another case, this one longer than the others had been. Briella was staying with Garcia this time when the call came. They were in Garcia's batcave and Briella was coloring at the desk next to Garcia's while she handled normal case stuff. Penelope knew that they had tracked down the unsub and Emily wanted to talk to Briella on her way there. Garcia got Bri on the phone for her and they talked for a minute before Briella concluded with a "Be safe mommy, I love you!" Before they hung up. When Briella said that, it melted Penelope's heart. She had never heard Briella call Emily "mommy" or tell her "I love you."

Garcia knew that they wouldn't be there for about another 10 minutes so she turned to Briella. "Hey B, want to go get something to eat?" "Yeah!" Briella shot out of her seat and Garcia picked up the little one. They marched down to the kitchen area and decided to heat up the mac and cheese that Garcia made earlier. She gave each of them a waterbottle while she waited for the microwave to ding.

They talked for a minute before the microwave sounded and Garcia got the containers out and grabbed two forks. They both started to eat while Briella was talking about her upcoming birthday. Garcia was eating fast so she could get back to her batcave to help the team. She stood up and told Briella that she could stay eating at the table, or come into her office with her. Briella decided to go with Garcia so she could continue to color. They cleaned up and went back onto the batcave.

As soon as they got back, Garcia's phone rang. JJ's name flashed on the screen, signaling that they were ready to start. Garcia put her headset on and was ready to talk them through another arrest.

Beside her, Briella became very tired and decided to take a short nap on Garcia's couch. Briella closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to a peaceful sleep.


She was awoken about a half an hour later when she heard Garcia sobbing at her desk. "What's wrong aunt Penny?" She asked in such a sweet and innocent voice.

Penelope turned around and motioned for Briella to come and sit on her lap. She did at told and got comfortable. Penelope looked at the little girl and just blurted out, "Emily got hurt really bad and she was taken to the hospital."

Briella staired at her in disbelief. "No. She didn't get hurt." The little 6 year old couldn't comprehend and it was heart-wrenching for Garcia to watch.

"I'm so sorry baby."

The realization hit Briella like a truck and she burst out into tears. Penelope held on to the little girl as she sobbed into her arms. Garcia let out a few tears of her own. They continued to cry before Garcia calmed herself down. "Do you want to go see her?" Briella just nodded into Penelope's shoulder.

Garcia stood up with the little girl and started to speed walk to another jet that they had. It was small like a personal jet but slightly bigger. Before they got on, Garcia got their just-incase bags that were stored in her trunk for emergencies. They boarded the jet and prepared for the two hour ride a head of them.

Briella snuggled into Garcia's chest and started to close her eyes. Penelope drew lazy circles around her back as she drifted off.


They arrived in Seattle four hours later and rushed to the hospital. When they got there, they were informed that Emily was still in surgery and they were showed to a waiting room. They were greeted by the rest of the team, Briella running up to JJ when she saw her. JJ nealy down to catch and give her a hug. "Any news on Em?"

Hotch looked at her with teary eyes. "She's in surgery and its pretty bad."

Garcia nodded as silent tears rolled down her face. She walked over by Morgan and took a seat. They were mentally hoping for the best but preparing for the worst. The silence was grueling until JJ spoke up. "Hey Bri, do you want to go see how Emmy is doing?"

She looked up at her and nodded with a slight smile growing on her face. JJ grabbed her hand and off they went to find a nurse.


In the operating room, they lost Emily twice already. She had three bullets lodged in multiple vital organs. The doctors were working hard to save Emily's life, even though It was extremely difficult. She had lost a lot of blood and she was already on her 4th unit. Then, one of their pagers went off. One of the scrub nurses picked it up.

"Dr. Kepner?"


"Her co-workers want an update. Can you give them one at this time?"

"Well my hand is in her body right now, tell them I'll update them as soon as possible."

April Kepner was head of trama at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital, named after two doctors who died in a plane crash a few years ago. She was one of the best doctors that could be treating Emily. She looked down from where she was working on Emily and saw her foot turning blue. "Page Ortho!"


After trying to find out about Emily and being told there weren't any updates, JJ decided to take Briella down to the gift shop to get a coloring book and some crayons because it looked like they were going to be there a while.

About 3 hours later Dr. Kepner came out to update the team. She came to find them with a sme on her face. "Everything went well! There were some minor complications but it went just fine and she should recover well." The team thanked her and a nurse said that they had to wait until tomorrow to give her time to heal. Garcia volunteered to stay in Emily's room while JJ took Briella with the team back to the hotel.

They split up in the cars and drove to the hotel.

Word Count: 1139

Hey guys! I have finally updated! It has taken me awhile because my mental health hasn't been the best but I do really like this chapter! Hopefully you enjoyed and that's all I could ask for! Love you all! See you next chapter!

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