Chapter 5: Going Home

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After JJ and Emily heard the shocking news that Briella had a baby sister, they went back upstairs with the rest of the team. They were getting ready to take the boxes to the post office so that they could be shipped to Emily's house. There were 6 large boxes. One of them contained Briella's bed. They couldn't bring her mattress but Emily promised her that she could get a new one when they got back to Quantico.  Derek and Hotch started with the heaviest boxes. The ones containing Briella's bed and her dresser. Reid was carrying one of the ones that had her clothes and JJ was carrying the other. Emily was carrying the small box containing the picture and the little knickknacks that were in her room, and a slightly larger box that had a few baby dolls and books that she wanted to bring as well. Briella had a backpack on and she was rolling a suitcase behind her that had all of the things that she would need for the next couple of weeks before the boxes arrived.

Before they left, they had Briella go back up to her room to make sure she didn't forget anything. Emily waited at the door for her while JJ finished packing up the car. Briella came skipping out and told Emily she could lock the door. Briella skipped ahead of Emily and sat in her spot in the car. JJ closed the trunk and got into the car at the same time as Prentiss. JJ started the car and turned on the radio as they started to drive to the post office.

When they got there, the rest of the team was sending the larger boxes off to go to Virginia. The trio walked over to join them with the same boxes that they had before. They finished and everyone piled back into the cars. They all needed to head back to the hotel to pack because they left in under 2 hours. The whole ride Briella was talking and every once in a while JJ would turn up the radio and they would sing to the song, then turning it back down so Briella could finish telling whatever story she was on. They were glad that she wasn't crying anymore about her parents but they knew that when they got to Virginia, eventually the deaths of her parents would catch up to her. JJ was glad that Emily would be there to help her through that phase when it would come. About 30 minutes later they arrived back at the hotel. They walked to the elevator and went in. The elevator door just started to close when they heard a familiar voice.

"Hold the elevator!" It was Spencer and Morgan and Hotch were running behind him. Emily reached out and JJ chuckled at Spencer's inability to run like a normal person. The rest of the team got on and they let Briella push the button. They rode in silence with Briella chatting with the rest of the team, but mostly Spencer.  They arrived at their floor and they all stepped out and headed to their rooms. Morgan and Reid were sharing, JJ was with Emily and Briella, and Hotch was by himself because Rossi was on a week-long vacation. The trio walked into their room and JJ saw the mac and cheese on the dresser where she left it, remembering that she promised Briella she could have it for dinner.

"Hey Briella, I promised you mac and cheese for dinner when we got back. Do you still want it?" JJ nelt down to her level. "Yeah!" A smile appeared on her face as she looked at JJ. "Why don't we get you packed while JJ makes it for you." "Ok Emi."

They walked over to the bed to fold up Briella's blanket and JJ walked into the bathroom with the mac and cheese in hand to fill it up in the sink. She came out to hear a giggle from Briella as her and Emily were packing up. Before they finished, Emily asked her if she wanted to get changed into PJs because they were flying back at night. Briella nodded her head and grabbed a pair of clean PJs out of her bag that she just packed at her house. She went into the bathroom and shut the door. Emily continued packing their things and when she was done, she started packing JJ's things too, as a way of saying "thank you" for helping her with Briella these past couple of days. Briella came out of the bathroom as the microwave beeped to let JJ know that the food was done. She brought the mac and cheese over to Briella, who had just sat on one of the beds, and turned the tv on. Emily finished packing JJ's go-bag and sat down next to Briella as she happily ate her mac and cheese.

"Oh I got you lemonade too." JJ remembered as she stood up to get it for her. "Thanks JJ!" She opened it and took a few sips as JJ sat back down. "Disney?" "Yes!" JJ flipped to Disney channel as Emily was looking at Briella. "I can't believe that I am going to care for an actual human being." She thought to herself. They continued to watch Good Luck Charlie as Briella finished eating.

When she was done, JJ turned the tv off so they could get ready to leave. Emily made sure that Briella used the bathroom in the hotel before they left, even though there is a bathroom on the jet. They all gathered their belongings and went to meet everyone in the lobby. The rest of the team was waiting for them when they arrived. They were getting into the SUVs to head to the airport and Reid decided to tag along in the girl's car this time.

They had their usual routine going where Briella would talk and JJ would turn up the volume sometimes and then turn it back down. Spencer joined in every once in a while with some statistics that made Briella look at him funny. They finally pulled into the airport and got ready to board the plane. Reid let Emily and Briella have the couch this time. He and JJ sat next to each other and Hotch and Morgan sat across from them. They took off and saw Briella lean over and snuggle up to Emily. Before they started to take off, Emily got Briella's blanket that she brought with her and layed it on her. Prentiss rapped an arm around her and they both slowly started to drift off to sleep. The rest of the team did the same.

Word count: 1130

**So I may or may not have completely forgotten about Rossi until this chapter. Sooo um yeah hehe.**

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