Chapter 7: First Day

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Two Months Later

"Briella, wake up." Today was Briella's first day of school. Emily had been getting her ready for her first day of third grade at a new school. They got her new clothes, shoes, and school supplies. Briella was super excited to make new friends but nervous about going to a new school. "Come back later." She sleepily called as she dug her head further into her pillow. Emily paused and got down on her knees. She leaned on Bri's bed and stroked the stray hairs out of her face. "Its later." She said with a big smile. Briella sat up and looked at her. "Fine, I'll get up." "Good. I'll go make you breakfast while you get dressed." Briella nodded and watched as Emily left the room. She already picked out her outfit with Emily the previous night and got dressed. She put on Jean shorts and a gray and light pink tee shirt. She put on her new tennis shoes and tied them. That was only one of the things Emily taught her how to do over the summer,  along with learning basic French and how to swim. She had been busy. When the team went on cases, she usually stayed with Garcia, and one time even staying with Will, Henry, and Michael overnight when Garcia couldn't watch her.

She went down the hallway to see Emily packing her lunch. "Your eggs are right there." Emily said motioning towards the plate on the island in the kitchen. They had a beautiful dinning room but they rarely ever used it. Briella climbed onto the chair and sat and started eating. "Want anything to drink?" Emily said as she went to put Bri's lunch box by her backpack. "Milk please." Emily got her a glass of milk and set it in front of her. "I'm going to go shower and change for work okay?" Briella nodded and gave her a thumbs up. Emily dissapeared down the hallway and into her room, leaving Briella to recite French words that Emily had taught her. "Chat, Chein, Cheval. Cat, dog, and horse. I remembered!" She smiled to herself as she ate and remembered her words. "Je m'appell Briella. My name is Briella!" Emily emerged from the dark hallway  a few minutes later with clean clothes and her hair dry from blow-drying it. She was carrying her go-bag. She had on a black tee shirt on and her nice work jeans. "Emily! I remembered all of the French that you taught me! Chat, Chein, Cheval. Cat, dog, and horse! I remember my name too. Je m'appell Briella! My name is Briella!" "That's so good babe! I'm proud of you"! She set down her bag and hugged Briella.

When they pulled away, Emily spoke. "Now let's get you to school." Briella ran over to get her backpack with Emily following behind with her go-bag and car keys. Emily pressed the button on the elevator and Briella ran in. Emily got in and pressed the ground button. They rode with Briella mumbling French words under her breath. Emily smiled at the little human that she was taking care of. The elevator dinged and they walked out. Briella took off towards the car and stopped dead in her tracks when she reached the door. Emily unlocked the car and they both hopped inside. She turned the car on and turned the channel to her and Briella's favorite station. Emily rolled the windows down and they sang at the top of their lungs on the way to Briella's school.

They pulled up to the drop off line and Briella got out. Before she left Emily called her from the car. "I love you B!" "I love you too mom!" Briella turned and ran into the school. Emily's heart melted. That was the first time since she got Briella that she had called her 'mom'. She was still technically her foster daughter which would make her her foster mother but it just felt different actually hearing it from her. Emily pulled away and headed off for the BAU. She knew Briella was nervous and she was nervous for her, but she couldn't help thinking what the other kids might think when they learn that Emily is not actually Briella's mom. She finally pulled into the parking garage of the BAU and got ready for a long day at work.

Time seemed to pass by slowly at the BAU and at Briella's school. They didn't have a case so when Emily finished her case reports, she gathered her things and headed off to go pick up Briella from school. She planned on surprising her with an icecream date after at the icecream shop around the corner of the the penthouse. She parked the car at the pickup lane and waited for Bri to come out. A few minutes later, a red faced and teary eyed Briella emerged from the building. She saw Emily's car and ran to it, opening the back door and jumping in. Emily looked back, shocked. "What's wrong babe?" "Some of the girls at school were being mean to me. I want to go home." Emily nodded even though she didn't know if Briella saw her or not and put the car in forward. It was a short but silent drive back to the penthouse.

They arrived home and rode the elevator up to the penthouse. When it reached their floor, Briella ran out of it heading towards her room, throwing her backpack in the livingroom as she ran. Emily put down her things and went to go follow her. When she found her, Briella was laying face down on her bed, sobbing. Emily knocked gently on the door frame and Briella looked up. "Do you want to talk?" Briella shook her head no and put it back down on the bed. "Can I come in and sit with you?" This time, Briella nodded her head yes and Emily went and sat on the bed next to Briella. "Come here babe." Emily practically lifted Briella onto her lap and Bri snuggled into her chest and sobbed harder. Emily rapped her arms around her and rocked back and forth, whispering calming things into her ear.

About a half hour later Briella calmed down enough and decided that she wanted to tell Emily what the girls at school said. "They said no one wanted me." She said in a barely auditable whisper. "I'm sorry B, I didn't hear what you said." "They said no one wanted me and that I'm a waste of air." She said louder and started crying again. "Awww babe you know that's not true. I want you, your parents wanted you, the team wants you. Don't listen to some girls that don't know that. I would never-ever give you up and I want to adopt you some day." "You do?" "Of course. Before I met you, I thought all life was was boring and disappointing. You have made these past couple months better for me than any of my time on this earth. You are the light of my life. I love you so much Briella Kate." "I love you too Emmy." They hugged with Briella still sitting on Emily's lap. "Now, how about we go get some icecream?" Her eyes lit up and she  flashed a smile that Emily had been dying to see since they got home.

Word count: 1242

**A nice little chapter for y'all. Eww I am never saying "y'all" again but anyways... Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter! Fun fact, I did the French in this by myself!Please check out my other book, "A Second Chance!" Love you all. Peace.

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