Chapter 4: Surprises

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After they told the team, the trio headed back to their room to get ready to leave. Emily called the court to see when she could come in to sign the papers. Briella also had to go. They decided she needed a more formal outfit than the ones JJ packed, so they decided to go back to her house which was on the way to the court. They were unsure whether to let her go in, but if Emily brings her home she'll need to get things anyway. JJ was notified that the crime scene unit was done searching the house, so it was okay for them to take things now. As they walked up to the front door, Briella grabbed a hold of Emily's hand and held it tight. JJ went in first with Emily and Briella trailing behind her. "Okay Briella, we are going to go to your room and pick out a dress. You don't need to bring anything with you because we will come back later with boxes to pack your stuff in." "Okay Emily." They walked up the stairs with Briella still holding Emily's hand. They arrived in her room and Emily made her way over to Briella's closet. She pulled out a cute little yellow dress. "How about this one?" Briella nodded her head yes and gave a thumbs up.

They left the room for Briella to get changed and went to see if there were any hair ties so Emily could put Briella's hair in a side French braid. They found some and they went back to Briella's room, where she was sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. "Aww babes what's wrong?" Emily said as she sat down on the bed. "I miss my mommy and daddy!" Briella launched into Emily's arms once again and JJ was rubbing her back and playing with her hair. It was a trick she learned when she calmed down child victims. "Shush shush it's okay." The mom in Emily was really showing. "Briella, when I went to the store last night, I got you a microwave mack and cheese and lemonade. If we go to the court now, you can have it for dinner. How does that sound?" Briella sat up and Emily wiped her tears with her thumbs. "Do you want me to do your hair?" Briella nodded again and turned herself around. Emily did her hair while Briella calmed herself down a little more, they only heard a few small sniffles before JJ offered to get her a tissue. "All done. Now let's go." Briella turned back around and hugged Emily again and she stood up. JJ was leading the way once again so that she could get the doors for them. Emily could feel Briella shut her eyes and continuing to tremble.

They got out of the house and they all got into the car with Emily sitting in the backseat, again, with Briella while JJ drove. It was only about another 15 minute drive and Briella fell asleep again. She was resting on Emily's shoulder. JJ looked back at the two through her rear-view mirror. She really hopped that this would all work out and Briella would soon be coming home with Emily to Virginia. "You know Em, she seems to like you." JJ was half whispering half giggling as she said that. Emily smiled and looked at the girl. They started to pull into the parking lot and Emily started to nudge the girl awake. "Briella we're here. Time to wake up." Briella's eyes fluttered open and she sat up. Emily fixed her and Briella's hair and JJ parked the car. She turned the car off and got out. Shutting her door and opening Briella's door. Briella grabbed her hand as she jumped out of the car. Emily was getting out of the car at the same time. They closed the doors in sync and Emily walked over to the other two.

Briella let go of JJ's hand and grabbed hold of Emily's. They began to walk into the court. Right before they got there, Briella stopped. Emily was pulled back from the sudden stoppage and looked over to her. Briella had tears in her eyes again. Emily knelt down to her level. "Babes, what's wrong?" "What if they don't let you take me?" "I won't let that happen. I promise." That brought a smile back to Briella's face and she let go of Emily's hand to wipe her own eyes. She grabbed back on to her hand. "Ready?" Emily was looking down at her. "Yeah." They continued into the courtroom. They stopped to drop JJ off at the waiting area and she texted the group that they were at the courthouse. Hotch texted back and told her that they finally got a confession and they were waiting to go back to Quantico until Briella was allowed to go home with them. He even told her that the team would gladly help pack Briella's things up to get them ready to ship to Emily's house. JJ told them that she would keep them updated and they were extremely happy that everyone was willing to help.


About an hour later, Emily and Briella came out. They both had a huge smile on their faces and Briella was yelling to JJ. "JJ! I'm going home with Emily!" JJ sprung up and speed walked over to them and gave them both a big hug. "Now that means we have to go to your house and pack your stuff so when we get back to Virginia it will be at Emily's house!" "Okay let's go!" Emily sat her down and she practically ran to the door. Emily and JJ caught up with her and they had her wait until they were across the street before she could run to the car. "The team is going to meet us at Briella's house. Hotch texted me and said that they got a confession so the whole team is going to come and help. They were waiting until they heard if she was coming home with you before we all left." They reached the car and JJ opened the door for Briella and she shot herself in. JJ closed the door once she was in and got situated in the driver's seat before texting the team group chat that Briella was coming home with them. They texted back that they would meet them there.

Everyone got buckled and JJ started to drive. Emily started to tell Briella what she needed to pack to take on the plane with them and the stuff that would be going to Emily's house. She listened and nodded along to what her new guardian was saying. They finally arrived at the house and the prepared to go in. Emily picked Briella up and they went into the house. Briella didn't seem to notice the team's SUV's parked along the grass of her house. They walked in and the whole team was there with cupcakes that said "Welcome to the family Briella!" She lept out of Emily's arms and went to give Spencer a hug. She gave each of the other team members hugs as well and she settled so that they could all get a picture together. They used JJ's phone because she had a plan. Emily and Briella walked up the stairs so that Briella could change. She put on a purple shirt and a pair of Jean shorts. She added some white sandals to the mix and they descended down the stairs to go eat cupcakes.

Briella managed to get less messy than Reid did, which made everyone laugh. When it was time to start packing, Hotch and Morgan both went outside to bring things from the cars. The team brought boxes to help pack Briella's stuff for shipping because they couldn't take all of her things on the plane. Reid went with them to grab the packing tape and shipping labels that Emily needed to fill out. Morgan started to put boxes together in Briella's room while JJ was helping Briella pack things in backpacks that she would need before the other boxes got there and Emily was putting her address on a whole bunch of shipping labels. Hotch started to tape the bottom of the boxes that Morgan was building and Reid started to pack. He was asking Briella what she wanted and what she didn't want. They continued this for about an hour with Hotch and Morgan shipping in. They started to put the labels and tape the boxes up and JJ and Emily took Briella into the hallway.

"Do you want to bring anything else from the house?" Briella nodded and went into her parents room. Emily and JJ followed close behind. Briella walked over to their bed and grabbed a blanket. It was a light gray and very soft. "My mom and dad slept with this every night." She walked over to the dresser. She picked up a beautiful silver necklace with a diamond on it. "This was my mom's favorite necklace. The diamond is my birthstone and my dad gave it to her when I was born." "Do you want me to put it on you?" She nodded and gave the necklace to Emily. She put it on her and Briella walked out of the room. She walked down the stairs and into the entryway. She picked up a little picture on the table. It was of her parent's and her. There was also a little baby. "This is me and my parents and my baby sister Evelyn. She stopped breathing one night and my mommy and daddy couldn't save her or the doctors at the hospital. I was really sad but I'm not that sad anymore because my mommy and daddy are angels in heaven with her now." She skipped back upstairs to pack her picture for Emily's and her blanket with her bags for the plane. Emily and JJ stood there in shock just looking at each other, not knowing what to say.

Word count: 1683

**I am now in a boot and crutches for the next 2 weeks. But, I wrote this while watching the snow fall at my house and listening to the whole Hamilton soundtrack but WOW! This is my longest chapter yet and I think it is the cutest. ALSO we just found out that Briella had a little sister that died from SIDS. (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) But anyway, hope you enjoyed!**

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