Chapter 2: An Unbreakable Bond

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"Tell Emily that you two can go back to the hotel with Briella for the rest of the night." Hotch was talking to JJ while they were both getting coffee.

"Okay. Do you need us back at any particular time?"

"No. I might text one of you to come back if we need you for the interrogation, but as of right now, we are just waiting for a confession from Smith."

JJ walked to the room that Briella and Emily were in. She saw that Emily had transitioned from the chair to the couch and Briella was laying beside her with her teddy bear in her arm. The blanket was draped over both of them and they were both asleep.

JJ gentlely nudged Emily so she would wake up without waking up Briella.

Emily's eyes fluttered open and JJ started to whisper.

"Hotch said that we could take Briella back to the hotel. He has given permission for both of us to stay there since they are only waiting for a confession, unless he needs one of us."


Emily started to gently nudge and whisper to her.

"Briella, wake up."

She slowly opened her eyes and looked up at Emily.

"Do you want to go to the hotel with JJ and I?"

Briella nodded and let Emily sit up.

JJ was busy folding the blanket that fell to the floor when she sat up.

"Do you still want carried?"

She nodded yes, still not saying a word.

Briella sat up when Emily stood up.

Emily got up from the couch and picked up the fragile child and took her to the car, JJ opening doors for them. Emily sat the child down and shut the door. She went around to the other side and slid beside Briella. She didn't need to be asked because she knew that Briella wanted her next to her. She layed her head on Emily's arm and got ready for the short drive until she was able to sleep in a real bed.

JJ started up the car and off they went on the 10 minute drive to the hotel in silence with little yawns coming from each of the members in the car.


They arrived at the hotel and Emily hopped out. She went to Briella's side and opened the door. "Do you want to walk?"
Briella silently nodded, still extremely tired at 2:30 in the morning. She only got about a half hour of sleep before Hotch told them they could go to the hotel.

Briella climbed out of the car holding her bear in one hand. She grabbed hold of Emily's hand with the other and Emily gave it a small squeeze. JJ had already grabbed her blanket and pillow so they walked into the hotel.

Their room was on the top floor, reserved for occasions like this and business meetings, so they had a longer elevator ride. As they neared the 10th floor, they heard Briella yawn. They were all thankful to Hotch for letting them go back because it also ment that JJ and Emily could get some sleep that they normally wouldn't get while on a case.

The elevator dinged and they walked to their room, Briella still holding Emily's hand. Prentiss got the key first try and they walked into a room with two beds, a huge tv and suitcases in the room because Emily and JJ had already been there to drop their things off. This was Briella's first time in a hotel but she was too tired to explore so she just stood there and looked around.

"Briella, you can have your own bed if you want to and I'll share with JJ."

"No. Will you sleep with me?"

"If you want me too, sure. Just let me brush my teeth and change my clothes first."

Briella nodded as she sat on the closest bed to her and saw JJ walk over to the door.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm just going to go get some toothpaste from Walmart. Do you want me to get you anything?"

"Will you get me a microwave mac and cheese and lemonade?"

Briella remembered her parents used to make it for her for lunch all the time and she wanted to eat some so she could pretend that her mom and dad were there with her.

"Anything. Tell Emily I'll be back soon."

She nodded and as JJ closed the room door, Emily walked out of the bathroom. She shut off the light and walked over to the bed that Briella was sitting on.

"Where did JJ go?"

"She went to Walmart to get toothpaste, Mac and Cheese, and lemonade."

"Oh. Okay."

She layed down next to her and allowed Briella to lay her head on Emily's chest and snuggle into her. Em wrapped her arms around her. Not long after Briella and Emily both fell asleep.

JJ came back about a half hour later and walked silently in the room. She set the lemonade and mac and cheese down on the dresser and bent down to her suitcase to get her PJ's. She walked to the bathroom and shut the door before turning on the light.

She finished and walked out of the bathroom. She shone her phone flashlight over to Emily and Briella and saw them both cuddling each other.

"She would make a great mom." She thought to herself before thinking of Michael and Henry, who she couldn't call because it was the same time in Virginia as Pennsylvania.

She walked to the bed and started looking at her phone. She had searched up "How do you foster a child." She wanted to find out the details and tell Emily in the morning, hoping that she would take Briella in because she had no where to go. JJ would hate herself if they let her go into the foster system with who knows who. She hoped that Emily would someday adopt Briella and she could be apart of the BAU family too. JJ shut her phone off and got comfy. She proceeded to think about Emily as a mom and it brought a smile to her face. She turned on her side and slowly fell asleep.

Word count: 1091

**Here's a brief description of Briella. She is 6, she has long sandy brown hair, (she looks like the picture on the cover of the story) she also likes being called Bri or B but we'll learn about that later. As always, enjoy the story and leave feedback!**

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