Chapter 3: Donuts

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It was the next morning and Emily woke up first. She looked down and saw Briella still laying on Emily's chest with her right arm holding her bear and had Emily's shirt bawled up in her other hand. JJ woke up next and sat up to see if Emily was awake. When she saw her, she checked her phone for messages from Hotch, just incase he needed one of them, or to tell them that it was time to go home. There were none from him or any of the other members of the team. She glanced at the clock and noticed that it was 11AM. She got up from the bed and went to go shower and get changed before Briella woke up.

When JJ got out of the bathroom, she noticed that Emily was asleep again and Briella still hadn't woke up yet. JJ figured that Emily hadn't been sleeping very well because she would call her every night and say that she couldn't sleep. She had nightmares about her past that scared her so much she refused to sleep in fear of one of her recurring nightmares. JJ decided that she was going to go get clothes for Briella from her house in case she wanted to get showered and changed. She left a note on Emily's side of the bed saying where she was going and if she wasn't back by the time Briella woke up, and she wanted something from her house to text her and she would bring it for her. She decided to leave a note instead of telling her because Emily needed whatever sleep she could get.

JJ snuck out of the room and headed to Briella's house. She decided to stop for coffee and a donut because she was surprisingly hungry. She continued on her half hour drive to Briella's house. She got there and walked up the steps to the front of the house. She saw that there was a crime scene unit there to dust for prints and more evidence to why Allan was the unsub. She showed one of the men her badge and told him that she was there to get clothes for one of the child victims. She was let past and made her way to Briella's room. She opened the door to see that it was left just how it was the previous night. She walked over to her dresser and found the drawer containing her shirts and her shorts. It was currently summer and she doubted that Briella wanted pants in the PA summer weather. She put everything into a bag, including a Hairbrush and toothbrush from the bathroom. Before she walked out of the door, she decided to pack another outfit and a pair of shoes. She finally went back to the car and checked her phone to see if there were any missed calls or texts, especially from Emily. When she saw there were none, she started up the SUV and headed back to the hotel.

As she was driving, another thought popped into her head. It was about 12:00 now and she knew that the two would probably be awake by now so she decided to get them donuts and Em a coffee as well. She got an assortment from Dunkin Donuts and figure that it would be a safe bet since there was almost every kind of donut. She continued to drive for another 10 minutes and parked the car in the same spot at the hotel as before. She gathered everything up and walked into the hotel. She made her way to the elevator and saw Spencer fighting with the vending machine.

"Hey Spence! What are you doing?" She kinda giggled with the last couple of words.

"The vending machine ate my last dollar and I am extremely hungry."

"Well I just got some donuts for Em, Briella, and I. Do you want to join?"

"Yeah. Sure!"

"You can carry this." She handed Reid the giant donut box.

They walked into the elevator and JJ started to talk again.
"When we get up there, I need to see if they are awake and if Briella is okay with you being there with us. She is still kind of in shock"

Spencer nodded and they continued their elevator ride. The elevator dinged and they walked out. JJ and Emily's room was the closest to the elevator so it was a very short walk. JJ swiped the key and Spencer took the hint to stay outside of the room.

Once JJ entered the room, she could see Emily sitting up against the head of the bed and Briella laying her head in her lap, looking up to her and talking. She saw JJ come in and stopped talking when Emily looked at her.

"Briella I brought you some clothes from your house!" She placed the bag on the dresser and walked over to give Emily her coffee. "Our friend Spencer is standing outside with donuts. Is it okay if he comes in to eat with us? I told him that I was going to ask you first."

"Yes. I'm hungry. Tell him he can only come in if he brings the food."

Emily was smiling at the little girl.

"Okay I will do that."

Spencer came in with donuts and they all ate. Briella picked a Strawberry jelly filled, just like Emily. Spencer obviously picked chocolate frosted with sprinkles and JJ took a Strawberry frosted one.

When they were done, Emily looked over at the girl with a tear stained face from crying and asked her something. "Briella, would you like to have a shower? I think JJ said that she brought you new clothes." "I also brought her toothbrush and toothpaste and her hairbrush." "Yeah. I want one. Will you start it for me?" "Yes of course. Lead the way." Emily stood up and motioned for Briella to grab her bag and go into the bathroom.

"I  need help washing my hair. Can you help me?"

"Yes I will. Just call me when you need help." Emily turned on the water so it was warm and left Briella to do whatever she could do by herself.

Emily went and walked over to the bed and JJ spoke before she could even sit down. "I think you should foster Briella. I looked it up and all you have to do is go to court and sign papers. You also need authorization from Briella but seeing how you two act towards each other, I doubt she'll say no. She probably could even come home with us on the jet tonight, if we get a confession."

Emily didn't know what to say to it but she was interrupted by a "Emily I need help!" Coming from the bathroom. Emily stood up and went into the bathroom to help Briella with her hair. She never noticed how long it truly was. It was almost to her hips. Emily grabbed the shampoo and started washing Briella's hair. She finally got all of the soap out and decided to use conditioner next. She got all of that out of her hair and turned off the water. Emily reached over for a towel and wrapped her in it. She picked her up and sat down on the toilet seat. They sat there for a few moments, Emily rapping her arms around her small frame and Briella holding her shirt in her hand. "Can you get dressed by yourself?" "Yes." "Okay, I'll just be in the other room if you need me." Emily walked out of the room and sat back down on the bed.

"Yeah. Maybe I will take her home today." JJ and Spencer both smiled at that and Briella walked out of the bathroom with her hairbrush. "Emily, will you brush my hair?" Of course, Emily couldn't say no, so she said "Come here." Briella sat on the bed in front of Emily and gave her brush to her. "I think I'm going to head back to my room. Thanks for the donut!" "Bye Spence!" JJ waved him off. Spencer let himself out and made his way to his room.

When Emily was done brushing her hair, she spun her around so that she was facing her. "Briella, would you like it if I fostered you? That means that you would come home with me hopefully today and you would live with me and I would take care of you."

"YES!" She screamed and practically leaped into Emily's arms.

"Okay! Before we go and do that, do you want to surprise the rest of my team with donuts and tell them that you are hopefully coming home with me tonight?"


The trio walked into the hallway with Emily carrying the donuts. JJ helped Briella knock on the other teammate's doors and watched them all come out. They were on their lunch break and they all decided to go to the hotel. "We have donuts!" Emily held her arms out that had the donuts on and everyone took one except Spencer.

"What's the occasion?" Derek was half chewing when he said that. "Well," Emily handed the box to JJ. "When I go to the court, I will officially be fostering Briella!" Emily picked up the 6 year old and saw everyone's faces. They were all super excited, even Spencer because he didn't know if she actually said yes or not. They were all excited to have another mini-team member with them, along with Henry, Michael, and Jack.

Emily was already picturing a future with Briella.

Word count: 1615


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