Chapter 11: Seeing Emily

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The next morning, JJ woke up with Briella beside her and the T.V. on. After they got to the hotel after leaving the hospital they turned on a movie which they both fell asleep too. JJ decided to leave it on and get up and shower before Briella woke up and she wanted to go see Emily.

JJ sighed as the hot water hit her skin. She hadn't been able to shower for a few days due to the case and it felt so good to wash off the past couple days. She washed her hair and body and quickly got out. She dried off and began to brush her hair before blow drying it and putting on her makeup.

In the other room, Briella woke up to see that JJ was missing. She sat up and looked around before hearing the blow dryer in the bathroom. Before JJ came out of the bathroom, Briella went and changed into a royal blue shirt and black leggings. She chose the royal blue one because it was Emily's favorite color and she thought it would make her happy if she was able to see her.

She finished getting dressed as JJ opened the bathroom door. Briella was about to brush her hair as JJ went to put things in her suitcase. Briella got stuck in a knot and couldn't pull free.


"Yeah Bri?"

"Will you brush my hair for me? I keep getting caught on the knots."

"Of course sweetheart. Sit on the edge of the bed."

Briella did as told while JJ came around and sat behind her. She began to work on the knot, trying not to pull. When she finally was finished, she put Briella's hair into a very cute half-up-half-down hair style. They put their shoes on and got ready to leave.

When they made it to the car, JJ realized that visiting hours didn't start for another hour so instead of turning left to go to the hospital, she turned right. The road on the right took the duo to many restaurants.

"See any you like?" Said JJ looking in the rearview mirror.

"Can we go to Eat'n Park?"


JJ happily pulled into the parking lot, happy that Briella had an appetite. They went into the building and sat down. They ordered and ate while talking. JJ was caught up on everything Briella from her new friends to what she does in her free time.

When they were ready to go, they cleaned up what they could and left, JJ leaving a generous tip at the table before leaving. They got buckled back into the car and JJ drove to the hospital.

They walked into the hospital and went to the gift shop to get something for Emily when they were able to see her. Briella landed on a fluffy pink teddy bear with and 'E' on it. JJ bought a water and a balloon, which Briella helped pick out.

When they finished, they rode the elevator to the ICU unit. The doors opened and they went to the waiting room where they found Hotch.

"She's awake and asking for her." He said motioning to Briella. JJ got down to her level.

"Are you ready?"

Briella nodded her head. She had never been more sure of anything. She missed her Emily and all she wanted was a hug from her favorite person. JJ stood up and took the little one's hand in hers as they walked to her room. They arrived at room #18. Before they went in, JJ leant down and softly talked to Briella.

"Remember, you have to be gentle because Emily's body is still healing so she might be a little sore."

When Briella nodded her head in understandment, JJ began to lightly knock at the door until they heard a soft, "Come in."

They slowly opened the door to see a smiling Emily propped up in her hospital bed.

"Hey you."

Briella gave a big smile and slowly inched her way over to where her favorite person was sitting.

Before she gave Emily her bear, she looked at JJ for approval before handing Emily the gift she had gotten earlier. JJ put the balloon that she was carrying over to where all of the other ones were, she had guessed that it was Penelope who had left them.

Briella walked closer to Emily's bedside and handed her the bear.

"Is this for me?"

Briella nodded with a smile.

"Oh I love it! And look, it even has an E on it!"

Emily scooted over in her bed.

"Come on up here babes."

Briella climbed up and gave Emily a big hug, being as careful as she could. Briella leaned in to Emily's ear and whispered "I missed you so much mommy"

Emily let out a content sigh and a tear before answering "I missed you too B."

They pulled away and JJ came over to hug her friend as well.

"I'm so glad you're okay. You had me really worried."

"It's okay JJ. I'm okay." She chuckled on the last part.

Briella began to tell her about her stay with Penelope and her breakfast with JJ while JJ went to get the rest of the team, with Emily's permission ofcourse.

They returned back to the room just as Briella was telling Emily about her Breakfast. Everyone gathered in the room. And Emily spoke.

"I would just like everyone to know that if anything actually happens to me, JJ is going to be the legal guardian of Briella but I would like all of you to assist in raising her as well. You all are such a big part in my life and I want you all to be a big part in Briella's life as well. I live you guys so much and I know that if something happens you guys will help Briella in every way possible."

Everyone began to talk at once, saying how much they love both of them and how they would be glad to help take care of Briella if something bad ever happened.

They continued to enjoy the time that they could together until visiting hours were over. Briella wanted to stay but JJ and Emily both convinced her that she would be happier going to the hotel than staying in the hospital overnight, especially with all of the nurses checking Emily's vitals every hour on the hour. They said their goodbyes and before Briella and JJ left, Bri called "I love you!"

Emily responded with and 'I love you' in return as she watched the door close behind them.

Word Count: 1111 words

Hey everyone! I have kinda been missing for the past month because I've been really busy and I had the WORST writers block. In other News, Hi! I'm Paige and I'm bisexual! Happy Pride Month Everyone!

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