chapter ⁹ part 1

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This is just a chapter of me let loose my inner crackhead.

Smol nine is best nine

Crystal Grove = new character

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Crystal Grove = new character

Just cuz I want to, Imma add a doppelgänger! Aka Silas first doppelgänger, alive, where they are!

Just cuz I want to, Imma add a doppelgänger! Aka Silas first doppelgänger, alive, where they are!

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Denis Grove = New character and crystal's brother!

Their parents = canon fodder...


"How about none? Or one who's voice isn't that annoying, maybe?" Another voice, a female, spoke in the only language Katerina was fluent in; sass.

"Well, I can't think of anything at the moment, come again at a later date and I might have something a little more human and normal." Katerina tilted her head with a smile. Her eyes crinkled at the edges and her small dimples showing on her now slightly rosey cheeks.

"What are you? A fucking pre-recorded message or some shit?" The lady came into view, she was blonde, had dark green eyes and freckles over the binge of her nose.

"No, I can create one though, if you'd like." Katerina gave a smirk while looking at the quite pretty blonde. Now that is one hot mofo. Katerina stopped her thoughts and waited for a reply.

"... I like you." The woman spoke in a quiet tone, giving Katerina a one over. Katerina gave her a toothed grin. "My name is Crystal Grove. This idiot right next to me eyeing you like a piece of meat is my nitwit of a brother, Denis Grove. You can just ignore him," Crystal leaned closer to Katerina, "between you and me, he's a bit loose in head..." Crystal pointed her pointer finger at her head and made a circular motion.

"I heard that sister. If anyone is loose in the head, it's you! After all I wasn't the one who decided to flash a guard to make him leave us alone!" Denis' eyebrow twitched slightly as he spoke.

"Well, what else was I supposed to do? Let them try to ransack our shop? I think not! I have more dignity than you, after all!" Crystal vehemently shook her head and glared at her younger brother.

"You could have, I don't know... done something that DIDN'T cause the guard to faint which led to more guards coming to our shop? You could have also just given him the damned ginger that he wanted!" The tanned male looked at his sister with a deadpanned expression on his face.

"Ginger is the only ingredient that was left to make my favorite tea! I was not going to give it up for some holagan!" Crystal glared back at her brother with a burning anger in her eyes.

"Sister, last week you said that about the mint leaves. and before that! You said it about the honey! You switch your favorite tea every other day, why did you fight for the ginger if you didn't even make the cursèd tea!?"

"Well, I'm sorry that my tastebuds craved something sweet after all that flashing I did. It was such hard work lifting and lowering this ten pounds of dress fat over and over again!" Katerina watched the siblings duo, amusement dancing in her eyes.

"You're tired of lifting up your dress twice? You have carried stacks of wood into the shop before! How did lifting your dress skirt tire you out?!"

"Its not my fault that you're a wimp! I have to do all the heavy lifting around here because someone always has an excuse to leave all the hard work to me! A poor, fragile lady!"

"'Poor fragile lady' my ass! You've beaten thefts to the ground because they tried to leave the store with out paying! You are the most unladylike person I know! And I know quite a few! Even some of my male friends are scared of you! They act more ladylike than you too!"

"Don't be senile you old fool! I am just a lady of class! You are such a dipshit! No wonder father always took me out to hunt with him instead of you! You're only a weak bitch!"

"I'm younger than you, you old female incel! I'm not a weak bitch either! Father just favored you in strength! However mother favored me to take shoping and teaching how to cook!"

"Who are you calling a female incel?! I can very easily attane a parter for life! You on the other hand, I'm not so sure! After all, you only spend your free time with my friends in the kitchen and at the watering hole to wash clothes! The closest you've had to getting a partner for life was when the female neighbor kissed you! And she was a goddammed dog!"

"I enjoyed her kisses!"

"So you enjoyed her slobbering all over your face?! You are such a huge dumbass! You know she ate cow shit right before she kissed you, right? Where do you think she went for all those hours you waited for her to come back and kiss you again?! And you were so heart broken when you found out that she cheated on you with our other neighbors dog! It was bound to happen!"

"I was not heart broken! I was just vaguely sad..." at this point Katerina was crying. Oh how she wished she was the there to see everything that they had spoken about!

"Also! When was the last time you went out with anybody? Let alone a female! I can't even remember the last time you interacting with another female dog after that! I told you she was cheating but you just didn't want to listen! Her name was even Heather! You should have known!"

What monstrosity have I come up with?

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