chapter 3

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Katerina's POV

I didn't stop crying for about an hour. Wow, I... Damn. I only now realized that I was crying not only for what happened but also for my past life. It wasn't the best at some of my friends had assumed before they found out what happened up until I was sixteen. I really needed someone to open up to willingly. I was forced to tell my advisor about what was transpiring in my house and my father went to jail afterward for multiple reasons.

I realized at the age of ten that if I hadn't been born, my mother would not have had to put up with that man's bullshit. I hated myself for many years, from the age of ten to the age of twenty. I was suicidal, not that people knew about that. I would regularly cut my wrist or thighs, sometimes even my stomach. I tried to kill myself at least once a week, to try and free my mother of that man. She was only still with him because I was alive, so if I was dead, well she would be free. At the age of twenty-one, I died trying to kill myself all together but I never stopped cutting. I had tried to cut myself in this body, once again no one knew what I did.

I kept it to a minimum and have, as of five to four days ago, mostly stopped because I need to take care of Lilith, but I also need to get used to the blood loss if I was going to be taking a pint of blood every week. The blood that I have called so far is a pint. One down way more to go! I have a problem but no one knows. I guess that no one will ever know. Other then my daughter because I will tell her everything in my letter. From my first life to my was to be occupation, to how I died to waking up after giving birth to her. I would tell her everything.

Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath. I need to calm down, I already cried for an hour, isn't that enough? The answer? No, it is not enough, and it will never be enough! But for now, it will have to be.  I gasp, I was getting a vision.

My body tingles, it feels like I'm flying. Then, I'm in a form of astral projection. I can see them but they can't see me. I can't interfere or prevent things from happening because I don't know what will lead to that point. It was Mikael, he was in Bulgaria, it's 1490 September 18, that's today! Shit

I have to get Rebekah out of Bulgaria. And her brother's and if they are here as well. Going back to paying attention to Mikael, I noticed four things. One, he seemed weakened, two, he looked as if he was attached, three, he seems ready to collapse, and lastly four, it was all an illusion. It was to lure out Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol, and Rebekah to 'help' him.

I have to get them all out of here. Wait, is that an? No, it can't be, he is actually injured! I need to see how! I was thrown into another vision. It was September ninth, the day that Lilith was born...

He was making good was though the forest near Bulgaria when he was ambushed by werewolves. It was around 7:26. Lilith was going to be born in a literal minute. And, now! Lilith was born. Now to pay attention, wait, what? Why did Mikael freeze? Oh shit! A werewolf bit him! That is amazing!  Another one! And oh shit! They're all going for his leg! Four got his leg and one on each of his arms! That is amazing!

They started a dogpile on him! One after another after another, it just kept growing. Mikael broke free, damn it! I wanted him to die! Though he does look really weak. He is still pretty weak by the bites that the werewolves have him. "A powerful witch has been born." Lilith! I have to keep him away from her! If she's powerful enough for him to feel her power from this far I need to keep her safe!

Shit! I just realized, if he was able to feel her then what about other witches and wizards/warlocks? If they felt her being born then they'll definitely come after her! It's a good thing that I'm already leaving, otherwise, things would have gotten messy if I decided to stay another day. Maybe that's why Rebekah is still alive though, I mean Mikael could have left to try to find Lilith.

Katerina PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now