chapter ⁹ part II sneak peek... I'm bored...

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....... have fun.......

".... so you agree that you're old? I mean, it's a fact and you didn't deny that bit..." Denis gave a sly smirk to his now fuming sister, diverting the subject.

"I AM NOT OLD! If anything, I am still young! You bastard! How DARE you call me old! Why, I aught to-"

"Aught to what? Heh, as if YOU can do anything! Old lady!" Denis took great pleasure in pissing his sisser off.

"I am young! If you call me old one last time I will throw out your boots!"

Denis let out a loud gasp. "Don't you dare throw out my boots! Those are my favorite shoes! If you do that, I'll throw away your weights! I don't care if you give me a wet willy or whatever, you will not throw away my boots!"

"If you throw away my weights, I will throw away all of your shoes except for the ones that you're wearing right now! Don't test me fucker!"

"And you call yourself ladylike! You just threatened me! And for weights of all things! Even my friends wouldn't do that! Male or not!"

"Well that just proves that even your friends are wusses! After all, the last even close to manly friend you had was father!"

"W- father was a good friend! Don't diss him you moronic idiot! He was way nicer than you too!"

"You you callin' mean? Huh!? You punk?!" Crystal rolled up her dress's sleeves and tackled her brother to the ground. "You won't get away with that! I will remain victorious in our battles baby brother!"

"I am bound to win one day! After all, I am the smarter one of us! I will out smart you one day you fucker!" Denis rolled away from her once they hit the ground. He stood up and started running around the shop.

He tripped.

"Pfft- HAHAHAHHAHA" Crystal pointed at him and leaned forward laughing. "You idiot!"

"Stop laughing at me you bitch! And help me up! This is your fault, after all!"

"Pfft- MY fault? Hah! You are so funny! I didn't make you run, you willingly decided to be a dumbass and run from me. Even when you know that you'll never outrun me! At least, not with your slow ass self!"

Katerina PetrovaWhere stories live. Discover now