chapter I forgot about lol

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Katerina enjoyed watching the duo argue with each other, she really did! It was hilarious! But, she really needed the fabric they sold to make new clothes for Niki, Lilith, and herself. Or she could just buy clothes... nah, 2000's clothes were more comfortable, olden day clothes... not so much.

"Sorry to interrupt you guys, but I need to buy shit, make shit, then yeet myself out of a window to test shit. If you guys want to be in a modernized place, I have somewhere but there are some things you two should know." They both stilled and looked at her for a second.

They pounced.

"PLEASE TELL ME THERE'S WIFI! I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT IT! PLEAAAAAAAASE!" It was creepy how in sync that was. It was even worse that they were hugging her legs while kneeling on the floor. People were staring at them.

Katerina deadpanned, "Deadass, get off the floor and get up, I got Wi-Fi you hoes, not stop attracting attention to us..." she bluntly cursed at them, they cried. Jk lol, they didn't cry.


Shooting up, they gripped katerina's arm tightly and trotted forward singing 'Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi, we only need Wi-Fi' over and over again. It drew even more attention to them, especially because the people of this time did not know what in the ever loving fuck Wi-Fi was..

"Alright, either you two shut your mouths, or I will shove my foot so far up your guys' ass that it comes out of your throat!" Katerina's cheery smile made them creep backwards, fearing for their lives.

"W-we'll be quite ma'am! Sorry!" Crystal squeaked out, I kid you not, she was about to shit herself.

"Damn, she's fucking terrifying like you. No... she's worse? If you are a troll, does that make her an oger?" It was at this moment he knew, he fucked up. The feeling only intensified when Denis saw both his sister and Katerina leering at him.

'Oh fuck,' He thought to himself, 'they're pissed!' and then he ran into the sunset.

Just kidding! Crystal and Katerina beat the shit out of him.

The end

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