chapter 5

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Katerina's POV

I quickly look up at the sky, it was around three in the afternoon. Well, I can just pick a place where no one is. Maybe in a forest, somewhere I can not be found unless I want to be. Yes, that's what I'll do. In the meantime, I need to see a point, after buying the seeds, of course. I can't just create something out of nothing. I'm not a god.

I continue on my way to the nearest town. I would not- could not start for long. It's been a day since I left my temporary home, I would be singing out on the square by now. They would get suspicious, the people who would usually see me -er well see the person I looked like at the time not there. Well, I am just a stranger they would not waste their time looking for me, I know it.

I only provided entertainment for a little, it would be useless if they did. Well, I still need to 'disappear' from the world. I would become a ghost, never to be seen, forgotten. I would need to be careful about what I do and where I go.

I could feel the heat of the sun on my clothes, burning my skin. My feet hurt, throbbing with every step. It was then that I saw it. A puff of smoke coming from the beginning of a chimney, at least a beginning in my line of sight.

I continued at my walking pace, I was gathering magic at my feet to help soothe the aches that shot through my feet and up my legs. What a pain. This took longer then I hoped. I didn't even know where the hell I was. I did not study the world map, I don't know the place of countries and at that shit. I just know the 50 states, well used to know seeing at the united states have not even been discovered/created yet.

Ahh, how troublesome. Oh, I see a person, aw fuck I'm in Asia. How in the hell I managed that, I am not completely sure, but I think that it was when I teleported. I am pretty sure that I aimed way off from where I was before I was the Mikaelson family fighting.

What a pain, it is so troublesome. Ah, oh well I guess. I can't do anything about it now, anyway I'm already here so I might as well just steal a couple of things. I may never forgive myself for this but I will leave the correct about of money for the seeds, rope, and building tools. That was pretty much all that I needed now that I was thinking about it.

Time skip

I finally found a small island with no inhabitants! It was a pain, but it was worth it! I named the island Dopplegänger protection island! It was funny because that's what it was for, protecting me aka the Dopplegänger for this term of five hundred years to come.

Okay, now to build a home for my child! I have a feeling that I might want another one so that I don't feel alone, but I am not completely sure about that. A little apprehensive would be better in wording it, but meh.

I decided to have another child so that my daughter And I wouldn't be lonely with just us on this island. I love children so it doesn't matter to me how many I have. I will, at the very least, be happy. I always wanted children, but I had to take care of my mother and Iris, first. Then before I.

I set everything but Lilith on the ground and started to think of what I wanted as a home for my children and me. I decided to make a few houses for my children when they grow up, that way they have something of mine when I die.

I transfigured a big Birch tree into a small cabin and set Lilith inside after conjuring a bed inside. The small cabin had four rooms;  1 bedroom, 1 living room, 1 kitchen, and 1 bathroom. It didn't have appliances yet but I would be able to make them quick enough. Before that though, I need to put up a few charms, spells, protections, and words just to make sure that no one finds the island. To make sure that no one tries to kill my children. Oh! I also have to change the timescape, to have more time with my children! One year for the entire is twenty here

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