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   Hello! This is my first ever fanfic. If you did not read the description, trigger warnings will be put on the top of each chapter if they have them. I am going to try and write author notes at the end of each chapter.

Techno POV:

Phil finally dragged me out of the house to go on a walk to Wilbur's concert at our local cafe, the one he works at.

"Dadza, why did you even drag me out to this? You know I hate feeling like the third wheel to him and Niki." I groaned.

"Because this is his first 'concert'" he said, putting air quotes up as he spoke "and we should be there for him, it's kinda a big thing in this small town."

"Yea, nothing ever happens here which is why I suggest we move back to California."

"Techno, this is upstate New York, you wouldn't survive in California especially with your clothes." he spoke up, gesturing to my fur-lined velvet cloak.

"Excuse me, this is style nowadays. I am the best dressed in the family."

"Okay, tell that to Wil." he snorted.

I opened up the door and stepped out of the way while slightly shoving him in.

"Dadza, Techno you made it!" Wil shouted from across the cafe, running up to us with a bounce in his step.

"Of course we would! This is a big thing, kid." Phil said as he wrapped an arm around Wil's shoulder.

"I was forced to come." I spat out with fake anger and a hint of sarcasm.

"Better than nothing, Tech." He said, patting my head.

"I am gonna go see Niki for drinks, want anything Techno?" Dadza asked.

"Nah I'm good, I am just gonna chill outside before the music starts." I responded, feeling slightly claustrophobic from how many of our friends are here.

I stepped outside to get fresh air. My feet started walking down the street, it was kind of peaceful if you ignored the occasional car horns.

As I passed down an alley, a box came into my peripheral along with the noise of some sniffles.

"Hello?" I whispered down the alleyway.

"Shh, it'll be ok, just think about staying warm Tubbs." I heard a small squeaky voice whisper.

"Hello?" I said, a little bit louder while peaking over the box.

Oh shoot, kids. What do I do? Uhmm, panic? No, that's bad. Oh, they must be cold!

"Here take this." I told them as I unclipped my cloak and handed it to the two mystery kids.

"Thank you, sir." One of them muttered. He was wearing a white shirt with red sleeves and khakis, he also had dirty blond hair and bright blue eyes.

"Y-you're welcome, kid." I took notice of the other kid, he was crying. He also had brown hair and hazel eyes, he had a yellow and brown striped long sleeve with overalls that had a bee patch on the front.

"What are your names?" I asked as I sat down on the rough concrete.

"I'm Tommy and this is Tubbo, I call him Tubbs." The kid, Tommy, with the white and red shirt informed me.

"Well, I am Technoblade, you guys can call me Tech for short. Mind telling me what you are doing out here all alone?" I spoke, trying to sound calm while I'm freaking out in my head.

"Our Dad left us here, he said he would be right back, but that was yesterday. We found this box to hide in." He said as he loosened his grip on his brother.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Is he okay?" I asked, pointing to his brother that was clinging onto him like there was no tomorrow.

"He is just scared. It's okay Tubbs, he's a good man, he won't hurt us." He comforted his brother.

"Tubbo, do you want me to tell you a story?" I brought up the idea, thinking of telling him the story of the potato war.

"O-okay." He barely muttered out as he wrapped himself in the cloak.

"Well, there is a video game..."

15 minutes later...

"And I even memorized his sleep schedule for-" I was saying before I got rudely interrupted.

"Techno, what are you doing?" Dadza appeared, looking slightly annoyed.

"Oh, I found these two children and was telling them about the potato war." I Informed him.

I noticed Tubbo started getting scared again and buried his head into my cloak.

"It's ok Tubbs, don't worry. Is he safe, Technoblade?" Tommy asked while trying to calm him down.

"He's safe, he's my father." I assured the boys, while giving Tubbo a pat on the head.

"Oh, hello. I'm Phil." He awkwardly introduced himself.

"Hi, I'm Tommy and this is Tubbo." He introduced both of them, Tubbo still not even lifting his head from my cloak.

"Can we take them home?" I said bluntly, I have really grown to like them and we had the space at home, why not?

"Really!?" Tommy exclaimed. He looked up to Phil and squeezed his grasp on Tubbo.

"I don't see why not, we have to tell Wil though." Phil replied, sternly.

"Who's Wil?" Tubbo spoke up, sniffling and his voice almost breaking.

"He is my brother, he works at the cafe down the street. Why don't we go meet him?" I suggested, hopefully he'll be nice.

"Okay, come on Tubbs." He says, while lifting his brother up and giving him a piggyback ride.

"So, how old are you guys?" Phil spoke up, trying to break the awkward silence.

"I am 9 and Tubbs is 7." He spoke cheerfully as he handed my cloak back to me.

"Who's your father?" He asked, and immediately regretted it as he saw the boy's reaction.

"H-his name is Schlatt..." Tubbs spoke up and jumped off Tommy, grabbing his hand and comforting him?

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know you had a troubled past with him."

"It's okay," Tommy spoke, seeming as if he was about to cry. "Is there food where we are going, me and Tubbs haven't eaten since yesterday.

I sort of tuned them out as I was getting lost in my mind, thinking about Schlatt.

Since when was he a father? Why did he give them up? Didn't he get arrested?

"Techno? You good?" Phil waved his hand in front of my face.

"Yea, I'm good." I said, wrapping my arms in my cloak.

Author Note - Thank you for reading! As of right now, I have 3 and half more chapters written so I'll be uploading them daily but IDK my schedule after that. I encourage giving me criticism so I can make better chapters. Love y'all and if no one has told you, you are valid and loved!

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