Sandy Shoes

627 23 21

Wilbur POV

It had been about a month since the kids disappeared, and I had to admit, I still miss them. I knew them for barely 24 hours, interacted with them once and didn't even notice they were gone.

Schlatt changed a lot, he was nice when we were kids. Only about 2 years older than me. I would have never known he would have been a manipulative drinker.

"Wilbur, come on we are going to buy Niki a new apron." Minx yelled from down the hall, throwing some object up the stairs. It has been way more chaotic since they moved in, so much furniture has been broken and eardrums blown.

"Okay, even though she doesn't need a new one!" I remarked, sliding off my chair and making my way towards the door. My music sheets were everywhere, as I was in the middle of my new song.

Techno was already outside my door, leaning on the wall with his eyes closed.

"Wake up, sleepyhead." I shouted in his ear, lightly nudging his shoulder.

"I hate you." He muttered, pushing himself off the wall, heading towards the stairs.

Classic Techno. I headed down the hall, making a grand entrance by sliding down the banister. Everyone, or Dadza, Minx, Niki, Ranboo and Techno, were already waiting. Impatiently.

"About time, let's go." Dadza sighed, placing his arm around Ranboo and walking out the already open door. It was a surprisingly warm day for the middle of October, 72℉ to be exact.

"So, Wilbur. Why were you up so late?" Ranboo asked, dusting off his suit jacket. He moved in about 3 days after Tommy and Tubbo went off. I don't know the exact reason but I assumed it was because he'd grown close to Niki. Or the trauma.

"Eh, just couldn't sleep." I responded, rubbing my eyes. I hadn't gotten good sleep since they left, it seemed like they were always haunting me. Ready to get me when I'm most vulnerable.

It probably had to do with being put into war at 17 and betrayed by all your friends.

Yay, trauma.

"Wil, keep your eyes open. You're too tall to faint." Dadza waved his hand infront of my face, pinching me. Which hurt, might I add.

"Sorry, just tired." I shooed his hand away, not even bothering to play at him.

"Well, I guess this is the place? Seems new." Niki exclaimed, happily swinging the door open.

"Yea, because it is." I responded, shoving her playfully. She shot me back a nasty glare, which is scary.

The store was filled with racks everywhere, all different styles and colors. A rack labeled "hipster" caught my eye, surprising as it's all brown. Trench coats and bell bottoms littered the racks while fedoras and old-timey glasses took place on the walls.

I had tried on a few fedoras and one coat before Techno came over.

"This is your style? I like the brown." He whispered, stealing the fedora off my head and trying to place it over his horns.

"Hah, yea. I think I might get it." I suggested, stealing the hat back and tucking it under my arm. Me and Techno walked over to the cashier, tossing the hat on the counter and a ten dollar bill.

"Let's head across the street to the beach, no one was there and it's perfect weather." I said to Techno, grabbing the hat off the counter and taking my change of $1.32.

I wrapped my arm around his shoulders, which was hard since he was wearing his heels that made him taller than me, and dragging him out the door and across the street. The sand was seeping in my sneakers which kind of bugged me.

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