Two-Faced Freak

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TW / / / / / / Bullying and F-slur (censored) / / / / / / TW

Ranboo POV


It had been a week since I was brought back to the stupid orphanage, wasnt like I would ever be adopted. I had just gotten back to my room who I shared with no one, that was pretty cool.

"Why don't you just agree with me?!" I shouted at myself, well my other half technically.

"Because it's stupid! Why would we run away, we won't have any better luck than here anyways." I argued, rolling up my sleeve and rubbing the bruises on my arm that were given to me by the bullies at my school.

"Because of these, you idiot." I mumbled as I pressed on one of them. My hand grabbed the bag I had been packing while arguing with myself, I didn't even notice what I was doing till both my legs were dangling out the window. I was on the first floor so I didn't have to worry about hurting myself.

"Fine, we will do it then." I said as I hopped out the window, I made a dash towards the sidewalk up the dirt path, where I wouldn't look like a runaway kid and just a school boy.

"Oh look, it's the two-faced freak." One of the kids walking down the dirt path shouted, as I felt a hand punch my head, followed by some cackling.

"Hey, what was that for?" I heard a voice shout. Who the heck was this guy and why was he sticking up for me.

"What do you mean? He is a two-faced freak, isn't that right freak!" He said, giving me another punch to the shoulder, hard enough to knock me to the ground.

"I suggest you get out of here, before something happens that both of us regret." Another voice spoke, this one was softer but deeper. If there were only 2 people, they wouldn't stand a chance against the 6 trouble makers. I didn't even bother looking up, just waiting for the blow of another punch.

"Or what? What are you gonna do about it f**?" One of the bullies yelled.

And then a punch was heard, then a thud, but not from me.

"Anyone else?" The same soft voice, but more stern, shouted as I heard everyone else run off. I felt a hand grab my shoulder, which made me flinch.

"Oh, sorry!" The other voice apologized, I finally looked up. One of them had orange hair with a couple streaks of white and a black jacket. The other was really tall with his heels and shirt that had a bi flag on it.

"I'm Fundy, and this is Eret. Do you need help getting up?" The orange haired man said as he held his hand out.

"O-okay. I'm Ranboo, by the way." I took his hand and bounced up. I grabbed my shoulder and rubbed it to ease the pain.

"Do you want us to walk you home? Make sure those dicks don't bother you again?" Eret asked.

"Uhmm well, I don't have a home." I looked at the ground and picked at my cuticles.

"Oh well, do you want to come with us? Weird offer but we won't kidnap you." Fundy nervously chuckled, causing a snort from the other.

"I wouldn't mind that, no." I said, as I brushed dirt off my shirt.

"Right this way, kid." Eret said, and speed walked down the dirt path.

Flashback Over

"Hello Ranboo." I heard as Tommy came out from behind the tree, making eye contact which I quickly broke..

"Oh hi Tommy! What are you doing out so late?" I asked, seeing he had a backpack.

"I could ask you the same." He remarked as he put something in his pocket.

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