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/ / / / / / TW - Drinking, Abuse, Gore, Derealization (?), Crying, Possible Suicidal Thoughts - TW / / / / / /

(Most of the TW's are in the dream scene, that also may cause derealization. I just want you guys to stay safe so avoid that if you might derealize, not sure if thats the word but whatever.)

Niki POV

I knew Schlatt was going to come eventually, but I didn't know he'd be drunk. I thought he cared about Tubbo and Tommy.

"Alright, I expect a meeting with the kids soon." He said, getting up and walking towards Quackity. I didn't want to know what happened, so I just buried my head in someone's shoulder.

"It's okay, Niki." The person, who I know now is Eret, wrapped his arms around me, comforting me and sort of protecting me. I wish he could have protected the kids, when they needed it.

"Okay, stop stalling. Just leave." I heard Wilbur scoffed as I broke away from Eret, giving my head a little pat before walking off.

"Okay, adiós, mi amor." Schlatt said, walking out. The kids should come down for dinner about now.

"So, do we still want to eat?" Wilbur said, leaning back in his chair. He looked very calm after what had just happened. It's crazy how he can just be calm after a traumatic event, like now.

"I'll get the boys." I mumbled, trying to keep the tears back. I got up, speed-walking towards the stairs. They creaked under me, as I tried my fastest to get to the boys.

It was nice knowing they were safe, and out of the hands and care of Schlatt. God, the things I could do to him.

"Knock knock, boys! Can I come in?" I knocked, with our old system. We made it, so no one would barge in when the other didn't want company.

"Boys? I'm coming in." I said, opening the door carefully. I left it ajar, peaking through the crack. They weren't there.

Maybe they could be in the closet. I thought, slowly opening the closet door. It was pretty dark, so I flipped the light switch on the wall.

Still nothing. Okay, where could they be? I was starting to freak out. I dashed towards the beds, peeking under them.

"Tommy?! Tubbo!" I shouted, planting myself on my feet and spinning around. They couldn't have left. Could they?

"Dream!" I shouted, running down the hall and steps. I almost face-planted at the last step, but I stopped myself.

"What?" He asked, looking over. He probably saw that I was freaking out, because he immediately ran over.

"Where are the boys!?!?" I shouted, grabbing onto his arm to stable myself. I was really freaking out, wasn't I? My breathing slowed down a bit as everyone just stared at me, eyes wide and freaked.

"What do you mean, 'where are the boys?'" Techno asked, walking over by the coat rack.

"They aren't there! They are gone!" I shouted, leaning into Dream and crying uncontrollably.

He was an excellent comforter, when someone needed it. Everyone either went to him or Eret. I need to stop thinking about this, the boys are gone!

"Okay here's the plan, me, Phil, Bad, Skeppy, Fundy, Eret and Purpled will go left. Everyone else goes right. Take your phones, to keep in touch. We update every half hour, clear?" Techno quickly spoke, clear enough for everyone to understand as he threw all of us our coats.

"Got it, let's go Niki." Minx said, grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the door. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, placing my coat around my shoulders.

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