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A / N - I'm putting an extra authors note at the top because I forgot to write in the last chapter that Ranboo went back to the house instead of Penny's shack, sorry if theres any confusion!

/ / / / / / TW - swearing, war mention - TW / / / / / /

Tommy POV

"Tubbs, hurry up. Just bring the flowers home to make a crown!" I groaned, kicking at the loose dirt by the trunk of a tree.

We had just finished collecting sticks for a fire and weapons for Penny. It was our turn and also we just broke her axe fooling around, wasn't my fault Tubbo was being clingy.

"Give me one second, Tommy. I just need to braid this last stem and then I'm done." Tubbs exclaimed, getting all excited at the bee who was attracted towards his hand that most likely smelled of pollen.

"Fine." I moaned, slumping down on the truck and playing with two sticks. We had lived with Penny for about 3 weeks, introducing her to a shack we found and letting her stay. She seemed nice, it was kind of stupid to let a stranger live with us.

Oh well, it was worth it. She makes great food.

"Done, let's go home." Tubbs yelled, grabbing his basket full of sticks and potatoes he bought from a shop. Somehow Penny had some money, enough for us to have meals everyday.

Usually we would have to fish for it, which is what we did for the first few days alone. It was way better than having fish every night, so I wasn't complaining.

"Finally, it looks good. A bit crooked to the left though." I advised, standing up and adjusting the flower crown. It was made of dandelions and bits of a cherry blossom tree in front of the store.

"Thank you, Tommy. That was very nice of you." Tubbs giggled, skipping off in the direction of the shack. Great, now he's first.

"Wait up!" I shouted, grabbing my basket of sticks and running after him. We weren't that far but far enough that Tubbs had to take a breather, leaving me in first place.

"No fair!" He declared, slowly jogging after me.

"All's fair! To hell with rules!" I yelled, turning back around and running up to a stump close to the shack to wait for him.

It took him a few seconds to catch up to me, immediately slumping down and pouting next to me. He's such a baby.

"That's not fair." He pouted, leaning into my shoulder.

"How about you get the first serving of dinner, will that make up for it?" I whispered in his eyes, slightly shaking him.

"Maybe." He mumbled, smiling a bit before heading towards the shack.

Of course it was.

I followed quickly after him, making sure he was right by my side, so he won't run off to chase a bee.

"I can already smell dinner," I whispered into his ear, shaking him again before opening the door, "Ms. Penny, we are home!"

I wiped some dirt off of Tubbs' forehead before looking up, gawking at the sight I saw. Wilbur, Philza and Auntie Minx were standing in our living room, right now.

"Tommy, Tubbo! Welcome back. I was just starting dinner." Penny exclaimed, walking over to take our baskets.

"Uhmm, hi?" Wilbur asked, though it didn't seem like much of a question if you asked me.

"Hi." I mumbled, wrapping my arm around Tubbs and pulling him close. I had no idea if he'd cry, freak out and be happy. It just seemed like he was shocked, and embarrassed.

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