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/ / / / / / TW - Drinking and possible Derealization - TW / / / / / /


It has been 7 years since we last visited the SBI with Tubbo and Ranboo, let's see how they are doing, shall we?

"DAD!" Tommy boomed, angrily stomping out of his room.

"What Tommy?" Philza asked, walking over to the fuming boy to comfort him.

"Ranboo got my bloody bed filled with dirt!" Tommy whined, dragging Philza into the room that housed Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo for their stay.

Philza pulled the sheet back to reveal dirt, with hoof prints all over. He chuckled at the sight.

"I don't believe this was Ranboo." Philza sang, walking out of the room and down the stairs to the front door.

He swung it open and looked off the porch railing to find Michael playing in a pile of dirt while Techno was planting.

Philza smiled at the sight, turning back into the house and going off to find one of the parents. Michael, Ranboo and Tubbo's pseudo child, was a bit of a rambunctious child to say the least.

Every other day he was bouncing off the walls and fighting or playing with his little chicken.

"Tubbo! Ranboo!" Philza shouted, peaking into every room.

"Hello Phil, what are you doing?" Penny appeared from the doorway to the laundry room, basket in hand.

"Looking for Tubbo or Ranboo, Michael got onto Tommy's bed again." Philza chuckled peeking behind Penny into the laundry room.

"Did you forget? They went out on a search for another chicken. Michael says his chicken needs a friend."

Philza popped his mouth, he had forgotten. It wasn't everyday your child wants a chicken.

"Right. So, where's Niki?"

"In her room, knock please." Penny giggled, walking off down the stairs.

Philza walked down the hall, purposefully stepping on every single floorboard that creaked.

He found himself in front of Niki's door, lifting up his fist to knock.

"Come in!" Niki shouted from inside.

He opened the door ajar, peeking his head inside.

Wilbur and Niki were sitting on the bed and Niki was painting Wilbur's nails.

"Oh, hey. Uhm, do either of you have time to clean up Michael?" Philza questioned, softly smiling at both of them.

"Of course, I just finished practicing on Wilbur so by the time I'm done they'll be dry." Niki proudly exclaimed while closing the nail polish bottle and bouncing off her bed, pushing lightly past Philza to go get Michael.

Wilbur sadly held up his hands in a prayer motion, mouthing the words "Thank you."

Now that we're done checking in on the house, let's move to Ranboo and Tubbo.

"No! He's not good enough for Michael." Tubbo shouted at Ranboo who just picked up a chicken. They were visiting the chicken farm, with thousands of chickens.

"It's a chicken! How is it not good enough?" Ranboo groaned, placing the chicken gently on the ground.

"It's just not, okay. Michael needs the best chicken."

"He already has the best chicken!"

"No, he needs a better one."

"Oh my gosh, Tubbo he doesn't need the best chicken."

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