New Faces

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Wilbur POV

I was strumming my latest song, Your New Boyfriend, as I looked out onto the small crowd of my friends and a couple strangers. I looked by the door and noticed Phil walking out. I knew Techno would try and escape.

I strummed that last chord, fingers numb and tired, as I heard all my friends cheering, yelling and whooping.

"Great job, Wil!" Niki ran up to me from the counter and gave me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around her.

"Thanks Niki!" I rested my chin on her head.

"I'll make you your regular and get you an ice pack for your fingers." She noted, walking back behind the counter.

"Ah, you remembered! Yea, my fingers are not in good shape. Although I might go back on later to practice my upcoming song." I chuckled, slumping onto the padded stool.

"Wil, no. You need rest and coffee. You were practicing for three hours before the concert." She sighed as she placed my coffee down, crouching to grab an ice pack.

"Yea, whatever. I'm gonna wait here for Phil and Techno to get back. Grab me a muffin while you're at it."

"Oh how spoiled you are." She remarked, tossing the ice pack on the counter.

"I'll also take it on the house."

"Hahaha, sure you will." She snorted.

I started to inspect my fingers for injuries. I should have taken a break, I can barely feel them anymore.

"Hey lovebirds." Dream remarked, dragging George behind him who looked like he was about to pass out.

"Right back at you." I smirked, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Whatever, I really liked your song man. I think George would have enjoyed it if he was ok." He said while sitting down, George wandering off god knows where.

"I'm already working on my other, haven't made any lyrics and just been messing around with it and that crap"

"Language!!" Bad appeared at my side out of nowhere, startling me a bit.

"Sorry, Bad, didn't see you there." I apologized, sarcastically.

"It's okay!" He smiled brightly, guess he didn't realize the sarcastic tone I had.

"Whatever, how is my muffin on the house coming?" I yelled to the end of the counter where Niki stood, probably taking a customer's order.

"It won't be on the house if you don't shut up, Wilbur." Niki threatened while glaring in my general direction. Niki's really nice but when she wants to be scary, she can be scary. Especially if she uses my real name.

"Got it." I quickly shut up, nervously adjusting my beanie then stared at my hands, while earning a laugh from the other two.

"I'm gonna go find Geppy, loved your song Wil!" Bad said, saluting and walking away.

I watched him bounce out the door right as Phil and Techno walked in.

"Phil, Techno," I yelled at them, jumping out of my seat and slightly jogging towards them, "where were you guys? You missed my w-" I stopped, staring down at the two small children that just stared right back at me.

"Wil, this is Tommy and Tubbo." Techno announced as he patted their heads.

I stared at them, taking in their outfits. Tommy, I think, looked very happy and Tubbo, still not sure, had a very curious and confused look on his face.

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