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Tubbo POV

"Tommy, let's run away." I whispered to him, a bright smile on my face. My cheeks were still wet from tears, but I didn't care. This was the most brilliant idea I have ever had in my whole life.

Being here wasn't any safer than the street, as Schlatt knew where we were now. He wasn't dangerous before, he was sort of alright.

"Tubbs, why? We have a safe home here. They can protect us." He brought me into a hug, placing one hand on my head to protect it.

"We can take some food from the cafe when it closes, live in the trees. Humans were made to live in the wild, Tommy! Please, it's not any more dangerous now that Schlatt knows we are here." I pulled away, grabbing at Tommy's sleeves. He was still wearing the clothes from Schlatt.

He let go of me, jogging over to the closet and pulling out a backpack?

"Well, I have something to show you, Tubbs." He sang, digging through the backpack that I now recognized to be his old school bag, even though we were homeschooled.

"Is that my blanket!?" I squealed, running over to grab it, squeeze it and take in its scent. My blanket, a lime one with white dots and tiny bees sewn in everywhere, that Niki got me. My very first gift! Ever!

"Yes, and some other things to keep us safe. So, we're ready?" He asked, zipping the bag shut and throwing it around his shoulders.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I dragged him over to the window, shoving him towards it. He threw it open, getting halfway out before reaching for my hand and pulling me out. He hopped down, wiping his shoulders

I hopped down behind him, trying to be as quiet as possible. The window fell shut behind me, as it was no longer being supported by our shoulders. Kind of startled me a bit, will not lie.

"So, the safest and sneakiest way out is climbing up to the top and scaling the trees. Then we get down and get a little west then." Tommy whispered, cautiously pulling me by the wrist as we were going to the left side of the roof.

"So, we go up into the trees. Just like behind Schlatt's house." I whispered back, showing much more excitement in my voice. It was pretty exciting, I admit.

"Yes, then jump down and find somewhere to chill for a bit." He half mumbled, half whispered as he knelt down and put his hands out.

We used to do this a lot, climbing on things. Minx taught us when we were younger, so we have it mastered. I placed one foot on his hand and used the other to kick off on the wall, boosting myself on top.

"Hurry Tommy, someone might be coming up." I hung my arm over the edge for Tommy to grab onto. The backpack made a lot of noise, but otherwise we were silent.

"Thanks Tubbs." He whispered, getting on his knees to crawl across the roof. I heard the front door opening, then slamming shut.

"It's okay, we're safe." Tommy brought me into a hug, whispering soft words into my ear.

My head was starting to itch, but I shall not itch. If we were going to be away from medical help, my head would have to heal quickly because there was no one to help.

I shrugged Tommy off me, wanting to move forward. He followed close behind as I went to the back of the roof. The roof was very clean, with the exception of some leaves.

"Shall we, Tubbs?" Tommy stuck a hand in my direction, looking out to the trees. The view was majestic, and something you'd only see in a play, as Tommy was just a silhouette in the sunset's view.

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