Mi Amor

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/ / / / / / TW - Mentions of abuse and manipulation, abuse - TW / / / / / /

Quackity POV

"Schlatt, please leave. Why do you always do this?!" I barked at him, leaning on the wall with Karl and Sap at my side. Schlatt turned up from the ground where he was pinned to look at me.

"Well, maybe if you had standards, we would be off in a log cabin, mi novio." Schlatt smirked, getting a slap in the face from Techno.

I adjusted my beanie, sniffling at the memories. It had been a few months since I left Schlatt, if that's even what you could call it. It was also right before I joined Sapnap and Karl's relationship.

It took a while to get used to a normal relationship, Schlatt was pretty toxic. He would go out every other day, coming home a drunk wreck. He would either yell at me for not cleaning, or just existing.

"Schlatt. You have one more chance to explain yourself, or you're dead." Sapnap mumbled, loud enough for everyone to hear. He was being held back by Karl, although he might not be able to stop Sapnap.

"Fine, then tell these people to get their hands off of me. Quackity can take over." He announced to everyone, mumbling the last part and giving me a little wink. That was gross, and uncalled for.

"Oh my god, just shut up! He isn't yours anymore, moron." Sap shouted at Schatt, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me towards him. He's definitely the most protective out of all of us.

"I know, he just needs some time. He will be crawling back to me soon." He stated, bouncing up to his feet and brushing non-existent dirt off his shoulders.

My shoes had my full attention now. They were blue sneakers with dirty laces and a K on the left on and S on the right, which was also pretty dirty. I remember getting these, Karl found them a few weeks ago and sewed the little check on, a sign that him and Sap were always with me.

"I think you should go, Schlatt." Wilbur mumbled, he had his hand resting under his chin and was tapping his foot angrily. Everyone here knew he had anger issues, so we tried not to make him mad because it was impossible to calm him.

Phil was different, he was always calm. Even when Wilbur had pranked Techno by stealing his potatoes and filling the bathtub with them, Phil was calm.

Techno was strange. He wasn't mad or sad or happy or angry. He was himself. The intimidating self he is, all the time. It was surprising when I heard that he was the one to introduce himself to the kids.

"Alright, I expect a meeting with the kids soon." Schlatt walked out, turning to me. I still had my head down, so I don't know what he did. I can assume that it was bad, judging by Karl's gasp and 2 slapping noises, one shortly after the other.

"Don't ever touch either of my fiancés again, got it?" Sapnap was being held back by Karl, both having upset expressions on their face.

Everyone else was silent as Schlatt walked over towards the door.

"Okay, stop stalling. Just leave." Wilbur scoffed, calmly standing up and folding his hands. He was wearing no shoes, just socks. They looked handmade, probably Niki's. Only two people in the town know how to knit, Niki and Karl, and I know Karl didn't make those.

"Okay, adiós, mi amor." Schlatt called, opening the door and slamming it shut. I flinched at the noise, as everyone turned to me.

"So, do we still want to eat?" Wilbur sat back down, leaning back in his chair and shutting his eyes. All the plates were still filled, chairs in random places and napkins on the floor.

"I'll get the boys." Niki muttered, sniffling as she turned and walked upstairs.

"I'm going to kill that man." Philza sighed, sitting in his seat. A few people nodded, and Purpled and Ranboo just looked confused.

Karl dragged me to my own seat as Sapnap went over to hang by Dream. He whispered something to Dream, whose eyes slightly widened.

"Guys, you didn't give them the 3rd room, right?" Dream ran over to the stairs, looking up them and down the hallway. Part of me was thinking he already knew.

"Yea we did, why?" Phil questioned, looking up from the ground.

"Where are the boys???!!!"

A / N - Apologies for the late update! I took a break because I had writers block and I'm not very sure that this chapter was the best I could have done because Quackity's POV was hard to write from. Hugs and love from your author!!

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