Bee Patch

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/ / / / / / TW - Crying and mentions of injury - TW / / / / / /

Tommy POV

I gripped his hand even tighter than I was, if that was possible. He looked so helpless, asleep with a big patch on his forehead. His hair fell over his eyes, I brushed it off.

"Is he gonna be okay?" I asked Bad, sniffling and leaning into his side.

"I'm sure he will, Tommy. Just wait for him." He whispered, trying his best to comfort me. Tubbs looked so peaceful, just like he was sleeping on the couch. His patch had a bee on it, personally drawn by me.

The door flung open, there stood a new man, alongside Niki, Wilbur, Technoblade, Philza and Minx.

"Oh my god!" Niki cried, rushing over along with everyone else. The man knelt down by Tubbs and brought out a big med kit.

"Guys I'm so sorry, it's my fault." I choked out a small sob, Bad bringing me into a warm hug.

"It's not your fault, he's going to be fine. You aren't in any trouble, if that's what you're wondering." Philza patted my head, having one arm around Technoblade, who looked upset and nervous. Niki was crying into Wilbur as he hugged her tightly. Minx was sat on a chair next to the man with a beanie, both crying and holding each other..

"So, he'll be up soon. Maybe an hour, a few at most." The new guy said, getting up and packing his med kit up.

"Thank you Sam, for everything." Wilbur spoke through sniffles.

"My pleasure, give me a message if there are any other problems." He walked towards the door, swiftly opening it with ease.

"Goodbye, thank you again." Dream said, showing him out.

"Tommy, I'm so sorry. It's my fault, I'm very sorry." Ranboo placed a hand on my shoulder, I looked up at him.

"It's okay, he'll be fine." I brought my attention back to Tubbs, "He's strong."

"So, wanna explain what happened? Or late, I know this is overwhelming and scary." Dream walked over, leaning on the arm rest Tubbs' head was resting on.

"Later." I took Tubbs' hand in both of mine, lightly rubbing his palm. I couldn't ignore the tears running down my face, he looked so happy. I wonder what he was thinking of right now.

"Well, should we introduce you to everyone else? It's kind of weird having a bunch of strangers crying around you." Dream waved someone with platform boots over, who knelt down to get a look at Tubbs.

"Sure, can I sit with Tubbs?" I asked Bad, as I got out of his grip.

"Of course, you can place his head on your lap, just keep him laying down." Bad got up and went over to a corner with a guy that had a shiny blue shirt, with a diamond on it. I lifted Tubbs head lightly and sat where it was at, placing it down on my lap.

"Okay well, I am Eret. This is Fundy, if you don't remember." The guy with platform boots, Eret, said while Fundy walked over, giving a little wave.

"I'm Skeppy." The guy with Bad spoke up, giving Bad a tight hug. I think Bad was crying, I feel really bad.

"I'm Karl, and this is Quackity." A guy with a multicolored shirt said while walking over to the guy with the beanie from over and giving him a big hug.

"There is another kid, his name is Purpled but he is on an adventure." Sapnap said as he walked over, giving Karl a pat on the back. They seemed to be really close, I drew my attention away from them to Tubbs.

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