Chapter 3

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"Caleb! What-" My brother is in the factionless sector and I have no idea why. I start to ask but he cuts me off my covering my mouth and taking me to the side. "Don't ask questions," is all he says and I desperately think of something I can do to call for help. Tobias. I look back hoping to see him somewhere then spot him giving out food in one of the homes. I try to call his name but Caleb's hand is still muffling my sound.

Tobias looks out the window and sees me. My eyes scream for help and he gets the message. He puts his box on the table and tells the factionless something then runs out of the house. Caleb sees and starts t run but I slow him down by thrashing and kicking. Tobias runs fast. Once he catches up he punches Caleb but it barely affects him because we are still ahead. Tears are coming to my eyes now as we get farther and farther from the other volunteers. What will my brother do to me?

After running for a while Caleb slows down and Tobias grabs his arm and pulls it back. Caleb lets out a scream and lets go of me. I fall because I'm tired of being dragged for miles with my mouth covered and take deep breaths on the floor. The whole thing was 5 minutes but it's all a blur now. I don't know what to think about. Tobias saving my life or my brother who escaped Erudite somehow and almost kidnapped me.

I hear grunts and my vision is a blur but I turn around on the floor to see 2 figures fighting. One punches the other and they fall on the ground and don't get up again. I hope it wasn't Tobias. "Come on," The deep voice says. I tell my legs to get up and thankfully they obey. He holds my hand and I'm thankful it's Caleb on the floor instead of him. We run and I struggle to breathe after running/ getting dragged for 5 minutes but my vision is clear now. His long fingers entwined with mine.

"You saved me," I say once we stop. My box is still on the ground where I left it but it's empty now. "Yup," He says out of breath and turns to me. "Thank you," I say and for the first time I actually look at him seriously. Like a real friend. He has no response but I smile at him. I didn't expect him to say anything anyway. "Careful, Tris" Is all he says. Then he walks away.


I don't go for a walk before dinner and I am silent during it unless my parents ask me to speak. I mostly debate on if I should tell them about Caleb or not. I don't want to upset them. "Beatrice are you alright?" My father asks and my mother gives me a questioning look. "Of course," I say with a small smile. "May I be excused? I'm not hungry." Before anyone can reply I go straight to my room and shut the door. I shouldn't tell them. Who knows what could happen? Thinking of scenarios of me telling them and how it would go make my head hurt after a while. I lay down and decide to close my eyes. Tomorrow will be a quiet day to relax. If I can relax.


My mother comes to my room around 8:00. I had a feeling like this would happen. She won't let me go until she finds out what happened.

I sit up on my bed as she walks over and sits on the edge. My mother could be pretty in another world. A world where she can let her blonde hair down and let it flow. She has my blue eyes but she must hide her beauty in Abnegation.

"Beatrice," She says as she puts her hand on mine. "Yes, mother?" I ask, although I already know what she came for. "What's wrong? Did something happen at work today?" She gives me a look of concern. The look that demands answers. Should I tell her? "Caleb came today." Her eyes widen at the name. "What? Where?" "At the factionless center. He was trying to kidnap me. He wasn't factionless because he was still wearing a clean Erudite uniform." I say all at once and talking about the situation out loud makes it seem even scarier causing the tears to come to my eyes.

I look up at my mother to see her reaction and she is looking down. Thinking. "Are you sure it was Caleb?" She asks and I nod. "Tobias saw too," I instantly regret saying that. I wasn't planning on revealing that part. "Tobias?" She asks. "Yes. He saved me." I confess. She looks at me with no expression on her face. "Thank you for sharing that with me Beatrice." She says with one last squeeze of my hand and leaves.


I have a nightmare about Caleb coming to our house one day begging for forgiveness and for us to let him back in our home. Bruises on his face and ripped blue rags for clothes. He tells us they tortured him for being a Stiff. He tells us he made a mistake and learned from it. Before anyone answers him I wake up. I want my brother back. Faction before blood can't keep me apart from him. I miss him. Tears come to my eyes and I let them fall this time. Wondering if I made a mistake. Wondering what life would be like if I wasn't so selfless and could make decisions without being scared of hurting someone.

The time is 7 am. Breakfast should be served now but I'm not hungry. My stomach is full of emotion. "Beatrice! Come down for breakfast!" My mother calls. I quickly wipe my tears hoping no one will notice, tie my hair in its usual knot, and brush my teeth before I go downstairs.

"Good morning," My father says with a sip of coffee. I look at my spot at the table where my leftovers from last night are. "Wastefulness is not allowed you need to start learning Beat-" She starts but my stomach is even more full now. With disgust. They're feeding me my dinner for breakfast? What kind of joke am I to my family? "I don't want to learn! I don't belong here! I made a big mistake ok? I'm sorry I'm not your perfect daughter!" I yell. I storm to the door, put on the first shoes I find, and go for a long walk to who knows where. 

A/N: I'm doing a chapter dump because I wrote so many chapters ahead and I need to publish them so it doesn't take forever lmao

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