Chapter 6

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Tobias is getting engaged. How could I be so ignorant? It was so clear that something was bugging him and all I was thinking of was myself. "That's amazing! Congratulations Tobias!" My father says and my mother glances at me. I hide my surprise with a neutral expression. "Congratulations Tobias." I say then turn to my mother. "I don't feel well. Can we go?" I whisper. She gets the hint and tells my father her stomach feels funny and she needs to go home.

We say goodbye and thank Marcus for inviting us. I run to my room immediately when we get home. Tears sting my eyes and threaten to fall out. I don't know if it's love but when I decided I wanted to date Tobias I wanted to make it stay. I wasn't dating for fun.

My mother comes in soon after and I quickly wipe away my tears. She sits right beside me instead of on the edge of the bed like usual. "So there is something going on then?" She asks. "There was," I reply. I won't cry. I have to be brave. "You could have told me, I could have arranged something." She says and I want to tell her about my fight with Tobias but I don't have the energy to. "I just can't believe this is happening. Everything was going so well before this." I say and my voice becomes wobbly. "Beatrice, you are not like everyone else. You are strong, You are smart, you are brave, and I know you will find a way to fix this." She tells me and kisses my head. I hope she's right. "Mom?" I say before she leaves. "Yes, Beatrice?" "Am I dangerous?" 

She stays silent for a second before she replies, "You are not dangerous Beatrice. Stong and dangerous are very different things." I think about it and then ask her one more thing before she leaves, "Is it too late? Did I lose him?" I ask. Hoping for an answer. "That is for you to decide. Goodnight Beatrice." And then she turns my light off and closes my door. Leaving me in the dark.


I need to talk to Tobias. The chant runs through my head the whole way to the justice building. I need to talk to Tobias.

I spot him. "Tobias," I run over to him and he completely ignores me. I feel like such a jerk. "We need to talk, please give me a chance," I say desperately. "It's too late." I have to fight for him. I have to fight for what is mine. "No Tobias, it isn't too late. You can't just give up!" The desperation in my voice is showing now but I don't care. I need to do this. "How do you know? Why do you even care? Why won't you leave me alone?" As he says that the answer to all of his questions comes to mind but I can't say it. It won't come out of my mouth. You are strong. My mother's words repeat in my head and I look at Tobias one more time. I know what I need to do. I have to say what I feel. "Because I love you," I tell him finally and his deep blue eyes lighten. A smile appears on his face. "Too bad we're in a public place," He says and I remember the people around us. I had completely forgotten. "Right," I say and pick up a box in front of me. "I love you too," He tells me in my ear. I knew it wasn't too late. "Now we just have to figure out how to get you out of that engagement." I tell him. He nods.


The walk home

"So?" My mother says. I look at her confused. "Is everything ok?" Then it clicks. "Somewhat," I tell her. She nods. "I knew you could do it. He likes you too much to just give up." I feel my face turning red. She laughs. "He's still engaged." I say. I don't want to ruin the mood but you can't avoid the truth. Her smile drops. "What did you do today then?" She asks. I forgot I hadn't told her about our fight. "Tobias and I had a fight the day after you asked me if there was something going on." "The day of the dinner?" She starts to understand. "Yes," I tell her. She nods again. "How are we going to get him out of the engagement? He clearly doesn't even like that girl." She thinks for a moment. "I'm sure Marcus will understand. We know him very well, he will be happy to make an arrangement with you two." She holds my hand. "Why didn't he ask before then? If he liked me he would have thought about me for Tobias," the thought makes my heart sink. Does Marcus not like me? I'm sure he would have at least considered me if he did. "Maybe he didn't want to ask and risk ruining a friendship." I guess that could be true. "I'll tell your father to talk to him tomorrow. How does that sound?" She asks and My face brightens again. The thought of being Tobias' wife. Life could be so close to perfect. "It sounds great,"


I decide to go for a walk before dinner today. Hoping to see Tobias and tell him the news. I see him sitting on the steps to his house and run over to him. "Tris-" I cut him off by taking his arm and leading him to a nearby bush. He gives me a questioning look but I pull his face toward mine and kiss him passionately. We haven't kissed since the day he told me he liked me because we are usually around people or are loyal to our Abnegation rules.

When we pull away he looks shocked. "What was that?" He asks with a smile. "My father is going to talk to your father tomorrow about our engagement!" I say excitedly. His smile drops. "You don't know my father the way I do." He says. "What?" I ask. "He won't like that. This will ruin everything." He says and shakes his head. I feel confused. "Why? Did I do something? If we're together now why can't we get married? What's the point?" I thought he would be happy about the news.

"No, I know. I guess I didn't really think about how we would make it work but this is bad. If he finds out about us he'll.." 

"He'll what??" 

"He'll beat me again. For not obeying him. And even if your father tells him it's just you who's interested in me he'll still get mad that you told him that after he got engaged. You have never seen the real Marcus. He is a cold-hearted beast when there isn't an audience. You think my mom really died? She ran away just to get away from him. I found out after I started my job helping the factionless. She talked to me. The worst part is she never took me with her. ALL these years I suffered belt marks on my back because my mother decided to leave me." The information shocks me. My head is exploding. Is Marcus really like that? "Tobias... I had no idea. I'm so sorry." How will we be together now? Marcus will never allow it. "No one did. It's not your fault." 

"We have to report this! You can't live like this." I tell him. "I've lived with it for 18 years." I hold his hand. "But now I'm here. I can't allow you to keep going through this alone. We'll never have a future together like that." He nods. "What do we do?" He asks. "I can tell my parents, They'll be able to do something." He shakes his head no. "I know what to do, trust me. Just tell your mom not to say anything yet." I have no idea what he's going to do but I still nod in agreement. He kisses my cheek then runs back to his house.

A/N: I'm not really sure what to say here except the fact that I'm the writer controlling Tobias and after a week of thinking I still don't know what his idea is. We're meeting a special character next chapter so stay tuned (I already wrote it obviously) :)

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