the inmate calls; K.SJ

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based off of the song 'cemetery drive' by my chemical romance :)

• Mentions of extreme violence and death

"Don't you remember that night back in high school? The one in the cemetery? I cant recall who we were visiting but it was the first time you ever opened up to me. I think that's the moment I fell in love with you, amongst the dying flowers and the coffins beneath our feet."

"W-Who is this?" You asked hesitantly, even though you knew all too well who the person on the other end of the phone was.

"I miss you." He whispered into the microphone of the phone, eyes clenched shut as if he were scared to open them for a second. There were inmates behind him, eager to get their turn to call their loved ones but Jin made sure to get his money's worth.

A soft sigh left your mouth. "I thought I told you to stop calling, do I have to change my number yet again?" There was an exasperated sigh that came after your words which angered Jin. There was nothing more he hated than when you decided to have an attitude with him.

"Don't act like that darling, I know you secretly love it when I call you. Doesn't it make you feel good, knowing that I'm still wrapped around your little finger?" Jin's voice was playful, almost tricking you into thinking he was joking. However, as you knew Jin all too well, you knew that he was being deadly serious and was trying to rouse a reaction from you.

You weren't about to give in.

"Whatever. What do you want Jin? You wouldn't call unless you needed something." You spoke quickly, not giving any hints as to what you were feeling through the tone of your voice. This was very unlike you as it was usually your voice and facial expressions that told Jin how you were feeling.

"So cold these days babe, you're hurting my feelings. Aren't you going to come visit me soon? I've been in here for ages and you haven't even visited me once! Besides, you need to make it up to me for landing me in here anyways." Funnily enough, there wasn't a hint of bitterness in his teasing tone.

"Maybe you should take a hint."

"And what hint would that be buttercup?"

"That I don't want to see you, like, ever again."

There was silence for a second, just Jin's breathing letting you know that he was still there. It was actually quite creepy, the way he was just breathing down the phone instead of replying.

"You don't mean that angel face, come on now. Why don't I make a reservation for this Saturday?"

The hopeful edge to Jin's voice almost saddened you but you refused to let yourself fall into his clutches once again. Him being behind bars was the only way you'd managed to claw your way out in the first place.


"Yes, what is it?"

"You tried to kill me."

"...Why is this relevant to the current conversation?"

"Are you kidding me right now? Like genuinely you must be joking. Why would I want to sit with the man who left me for dead and pretend that i wouldn't rather be anywhere else but there?" The schooled tone you had previously been using was long gone, emotion seeping through. Jin thrived off of it, lapping it up and using it to his own advantage.

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