Not spending enough time with you; K.NJ + K.SJ

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"Where are the two of you going?" You innocently asked as you watched your two boyfriends Namjoon and Jin put their shoes and coats on, smiling and giggling as they went. A slight feeling of abandonment spread across your chest as your eyes followed them right up to the last second, feeling left out and forgotten about. You couldn't understand why they'd made plans without telling or inviting you but decided that it wasn't too big of a deal, letting them have their time together.

The two men didn't even shout a simple 'goodbye' or 'i love you' as they left, simply slamming the door behind them and leaving you with just the four walls for company. Without Namjoon and Jin the house felt cold and empty, no life or noise filling the now empty space which made you only feel even more lonely and insignificant. It was only then that you realised that this behaviour from your boyfriends had been going on for a couple of weeks, then sneaking off and not going out with you too.

6 Days Later
"Y/n we're home, love!" Jin sang playfully after bursting through the front door, Namjoon following close behind him whilst having his arms wrapped around Jin's waist. After hearing no reply from you, your boyfriends looked at each other questioningly before moving away from each other and setting off to search the house for you. They hadn't been home for more than a few hours in a couple of days as they'd had a lot of practice hours to catch up on and meetings to attend. Not once had they thought of telling you this though.

Namjoon had began to panic when he couldn't find you in the kitchen or the living room as you'd usually be there when they got home from work and practicing. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest that he was certain that the neighbours would be able to hear it clear as day. Praying and hoping that you were there, Namjoon burst into the room that the 3 of you usually shared, Namjoon and Jin had been sleeping at the dorm as it was easier to get to the studio from there, and let out a huge sigh of relief once he found you sat on the bed. That was until he saw the tears that were dripping down your cheeks.

"Baby?..." Jin called as he too entered the room, gasping once he saw how broken you looked. From the sight of the messy bed and your messy, unwashed hair, it was clear to see that you'd spent the last 6 days in bed. Immediately, Namjoon scooped you up into his arms and hugged you close to him, his heart clenching harshly when you fought to get out of his grip, crying even harder than you had been before. It was hard for Jin to watch as you pushed Namjoon away and got up, pushing past him and making your way downstairs.

"Please talk to us Y/n, what's wrong with you? What happened whilst we were gone? Did someone break-" Namjoon rambled whilst chasing after you before cut him off by slamming a door in his face which very nearly hit him. The shocked looks on your boyfriends' faces was almost comical but you were way too upset to laugh at anything in that moment of time. Not giving up, the two men followed after you and began to protest as you attempted to leave the house. You didn't want anything to do with them.

"You obviously don't care about me or how I feel, you've made that extremely clear these past couple of days. I'll just make this easier for everyone involved and leave before things get messier." You cried, fingers scrambling to tie your laces and open the door at the same time. Unluckily for you, Namjoon's arm was extremely long and reached over to firmly keep the door closed which caused you to groan in frustration and attempt to pull his arm off. Suddenly, two lean but strong arms wrapped around your waist and softly pulled you away from the door, therefore ending your assault against Namjoon's arm.

"It's okay princess, just breathe okay? We're here now and we are so so sorry for leaving you these past couple of days but we couldn't find a minute to spare. Gosh, Namjoon was flipping out every night about us having to sleep at the dorms because he can't sleep without both of us with him. How could you ever think that we don't love you? You're everything to us." Jin's soothing voice whispered quietly into your ear, earning a soft slap on the forearm from Namjoon after exposing him. Even though you wanted to scream and fight for freedom, the feeling of Jin's arms around you and the sound of Namjoon whining just made your body melt like butter into your surroundings.

"I...okay. It just hurt me because I thought I was being excluded from things you two were doing together like going on dates and stuff. Maybe I overreacted, a little bit. This doesn't mean your off the hook by the way but I love you both so much." You sighed softly whilst wrapping one of your arms around Namjoon's neck and the other around Jin's, pulling them close to you and basking in their masculine cologne. Their combined body heats caused you to moan softly in comfort before nestling inbetween the two of them, giggling when they began to bicker about who was the big spoon that got to wrap their arms around your waist. Being the dominant one, Namjoon soon just pushed Jin's arms away and replaced them with his, stopping his whines of protest with a chaste kiss on the lips.

"Oh and you'll never guess what Y/n," Jin snickered evilly, looking over at Namjoon who's eyes widened a little in realisation, "Joon finally bottomed."

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