The descendant of Salazar; P.JM

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The news had come as a shock to Jimin, having read it in a rushed letter from his mother as soon as he was placed into the slytherin house. Everyone in his entire family had been sorted into the Slytherin house but they had all thought that the boy would break that pattern and be placed into Hufflepuff, due to the fact that he was a gentle-natured boy that wouldn't have said boo to a goose. That was, however, until he was exposed to the cunning ways of Salazar Slytherin.

"Slytherins don't play tag Jimin-ah, please grow up." An older boy had sneered at the younger as said boy had approached him and politely asked if he would like to play a game with him. Jimin had been hurt, a forlorn look crossing over his face before he nodded firmly and straightened up, soon learning what others thought was acceptable and vice versa. It was around that time that his mother had written to him, explaining his blood ties with the original Slytherin.

Ever since people had found out, they avoided Jimin like the plague but also kept a firm eye on him. No one dared speak a word to him, even though he was truly harmless and the sweetest person anyone could come across. Things became lonelier and lonelier as years went by until he was in his 3rd year, completely numb to the pain of being alone and ignored by the rest of his house. Sometimes, but rarely, Min Yoongi would sit with him in the common room but never said more than two words to anyone but himself when he was waking up.

That was until you started at Hogwarts, a confident girl that stood up for what you believed in and made sure your opinion was heard. Right from your first day you had noticed the way that Jimin was always sat alone, not speaking or taking part in anything that the dorm was doing. You'd asked the other people in the dorms why they never spoke to him and they simply told you that he was dangerous, born of an evil that even slytherin couldn't handle. This only made you want to get to know him better.

"Hey there, you're Park Jimin right? Welp, I'm Y/n and I couldn't help but notice that you seem awfully lonely over here so I thought i'd come and say hi." You'd said as you sat across from Jimin in a comfy arm chair, the material of the chair silky against your fingers, making you want to smooth it over in your hands forever. For a while, Jimin didn't even acknowledge that you were speaking to him, the only telling that he was alive being the steady movement of his chest as he breathed.

"If I were you, I wouldn't waste your time on me. The others won't want to know you of you associate yourself with me. Run along, Y/n." Jimin snapped quickly, looking up at you through his hair before his eyes widened slightly. Not able to deny it, Jimin thought that you were incredibly beautiful. There was just something about you that drew him in, daring him to get closer and closer until there wasn't any distance between the two of you but he stayed rooted in his seat. Not taking his words seriously, or not caring, you continued to sit with him in silence as it was very clear that he didn't want to talk.

As the weeks turned into months, Jimin had begun to warm up to you considerably. Every morning he would wait for you so that he could walk you to your first class, even if it meant that he himself would be late to his. People talked about the two of you non-stop but you were still oblivious as to why it was such a bad thing that the two of you were friends. All you knew was that Jimin had some sort of secret that he was hiding from you but you didn't ask Jimin to tell you, deciding that he would tell you when the time is right. That time came sooner than you ever imagined it would.

"I want to thank you, for, um, sticking by me and being a true friend when nobody else was." Jimin spoke suddenly and awkwardly as the two of you sat in the Room of Requirement, a place that the two of you spent most of your free time together. Shocked by his words, you raised an eyebrow at Jimin, silently encouraging him to continue speaking as you decided that you were ready to know just exactly why the rest of the school seemed to avoid sweet Jimin like the bubonic plague.

"When I first came here, this sounds really cliche, but I wasn't like any of the other students. I was childish and innocent, loving to colour and play tag which immediately made me stand out in a not so positive way. Everyone in my family thought that I would be sorted into Hufflepuff, even though my entire family has always been Slytherins. I was just never what people classed as a cunning Slytherin. When my mother heard about my sorting she wrote right away and told me the news," Jimin hesitated slightly as if he didn't want to tell me but took a deep breath before continuing his words, "I'm a direct descendant of Salazar Slytherin himself ."

It was a huge shock, learning that your friend was blood related to to the origin of the house you'd been sorted into. You could now see why people would want to have avoided Jimin at first but there was no excuse for how long it had been going on for. Jimin's family tree didn't scare you away from him or wanting to be close to him. If anything, it intrigued you even further and you found yourself wanting to know more.

"Don't say it with so much disdain Jimin, be proud of who you are and what your family has accomplished! Think of it this way, your ancestor was one of the four greatest wizards alive and one of the founders of the worlds greatest school of witchcraft and wizardry. The people that have put you down for the are cowards, small minded people that don't have any sense of loyalty. You didn't have to hide this from me, it doesn't bother me or change how I think of you." You reassured Jimin as he nodded, a cheerful smile spreading across his face before he could stop it.

From that day on, Jimin completely turned his attitude around and shocked the many people who had feared him as he revealed just how sweet and kind he could be. Not once did he let a person come as close as you though, holding you as tightly to his heart as he possibly could as you were the first person who didn't just see him as the descendant of Salazar Slytherin.

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