Arranged marriage; J.JK

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Never did you think that agreeing to the arranged marriage would end up like this, not in even your wildest of dreams. Marrying your bully from middle school and also high school just wasn't what you had originally thought would be written in the stars in terms of your future but it seemed like fate had plans for you that would map out the rest of your life. The torment and horror this man had put you through over the years was something out of a cliche movie but of course you had to swallow this fear of him in order to please your family, the thirst to prove yourself much larger than any instinct of self preservation.

"Just know that I will never love you Y/n, no matter how nicely I treat your in front of our parents. I'd rather have literally anyone else up by the altar, i'm doing this for my mother and that's all, you're merely a minor setback." Jungkook warned you strictly whilst you were eating dinner with his parents at their house, leaning over to whisper it into your ear so that they wouldn't hear how poisonous his words sounded. The tone of his words sent shivers down your spine from how violent it was but to anyone on the outside it would look like a loving conversation, just how Jungkook always made it look whenever he spoke to you. Never had you expected more from him so you didn't argue with him, just stuffing your face with even more potatoes to try and hide your pure misery and disdain against the situation. You really didn't believe that things could get any worse before they did.

"So Y/n, how do you feel about yours and Jungkook's wedding next week? Aren't you excited, it's the biggest day of your entire life?" Jungkook's mother exclaimed happily while raising a wine glass to her mouth and sipping on the bubbly liquid, her throat gulping down the bitter liquid as if it were the last drop of water in the Sahara Desert. She was a big drinker, sipping alcohol as if it were water. After planting a large smile on your face and reluctantly lacing your fingers through Jungkook's on the table so that all the adults could see, you began to gush about your future husband to put on a believable show. The feeling of Jungkook's skin on yours made you cringe but your heart softly pulsates in your chest, showing appreciation that you really didn't want to feel.

"It's going to be the happiest day of my life! Marrying the man I love and getting  to spend the rest of my life with him, what could get any better than that?" You said with large amounts of fake enthusiasm, trying desperately to ignore Jungkook's muffled laughing coming from next to you as he hid it with an equally as sickening smile. He found it so amusing to see you force out positive words of him that you really didn't feel were true, your efforts to impress and fool the parents making him want to guffaw in pure laughter. It had always been with him, the thirst to see you stumble over your words due to embarrassment.

"I'll always be yours, love." Jungkook said smugly while lifting your intertwined hands up to his lips so that he could kiss your knuckles softly, his lips feeling as if they weren't meant to be anywhere near you but you didn't stop him, forcing a smile that looked real but really wasn't. It took all of the strength you had not to rip your hand from his and roll your eyes but you knew that this would benefit your family in the end and keep them happy, proud that you had a husband to look after you. That was all you wanted but you hoped that time would fly by, not seeming like a lifetime at all.

2 Nights Before The Wedding
"You're scum, nothing but dirt on the bottom of my shoe. If it were up to me, you'd be the last person I would've chosen to get married to. Why couldn't you just be good enough?" Jungkook hissed from across the room as you both sat in the kitchen of your new house, the one you were forced to move into together in order to get 'closer' The reality was that it just made Jungkook resent you even more, despite the efforts you made to make the time even close to bearable. Tears desperately wanted to fall down your face but you held them back, not wanting to let him get to you and know that he had hurt you as this was what he wanted.

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