The habits of your heart; M.YG

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Things had always been on and off between you and Yoongi, the relationship going from unbreakable to non existent in the space of just a few short weeks as Yoongi loved to change his mind about what he wanted from you. It was always Yoongi that left you though and coincidentally he was always the one that came crawling back to you after he'd had a week of freedom. It was true that he had a fear of too much commitment, even though he loved you more than he'd love anyone else.

In the process of everything that Yoongi did to you, you slowly lost respect and any type of feelings that you had for him. Each time he left you and came back around you found it easier to let go and move on without him which only caused him to come back for you quicker. It was confusing for you, Yoongi losing feelings for you and then coming back to you because he didn't want anyone else to have you for he believed that you belonged to him, his property.

This time around though, you swore to yourself that you weren't going to let him back into your life as you had done so many times before. Everything was different now and you were beginning to realise just how badly Yoongi had been treating you all these years that you had been together. It was around this time that you realised that you deserved a lot better than him, even if you still loved him you knew that he was no good for you. But your heart had other plans for the way things were going to turn out, not being able to get rid of the connection you had with Yoongi.

2 Weeks Later
You chuckled bitterly to yourself as you stood outside of Yoongi's house in the pouring rain, watching through the window as he kissed another girl on his couch. It hurt to see how engrossed he seemed to be with her, the way you'd hoped that he'd only be with you. It was the last time he was going to break your heart. There was nothing left to break anymore. The reason why you'd gone over there was because he'd asked you to earlier that day, claiming that he wanted to spend time with you as he hadn't had much time with you recently.

Suddenly, Yoongi looked out of the window, due to his instincts telling him to, at you as his lips were still connected to the girls and his eyes widened in shock and guilt. Quickly, Yoongi pulled away from her and ran to the front door, pulling it open just as you were about to walk away. The sadness and hurt that was present on your face wasn't like the times before it and he knew that you were officially done with him. The thought scared him to death.

"Y/n! It isn't what it looks like I swear!" Yoongi yelled out to you, his eyes full of pain and fear as they were every time that he this to you. Yes, this wasn't the first time he had cheated on you. Each time you got together this ended up happening to you but your stupid heart just couldn't let go of him. You just laughed through your tears and looked up at the streetlamp that was shining down on you, basking in the light as darkness threatened to consume you.

"It never is Yoongi. I think it's safe to say that we're over. Don't contact me ever again." You spat before putting your umbrella up and walking away, ignoring the multiple times that Yoongi called your name. The habits of your heart had gotten you hurt multiple times but it was this time that managed to severe the connection between your heart and your feelings. Through the multiple times that Yoongi tried to get in contact with you your heart just stayed flatlined, not able to feel anything as you cruelly rejected him time and time again.

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