when you're terminally ill; P.JM

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"So...there's nothing we can do?" Jimin asked heartbroken as he sat next to your bed, hand held tightly in his. You weren't conscious but could breathe well on your own, explaining the absence of a heart monitor. It took everything that Jimin had not to pull you out of the hospital and take you home, keeping you out of harms way.

"I'm afraid don't Mr Park, she has around 3 months left and they will be painful. There is always the option of euthanasia..." Jimin harshly cut the doctor off, not even wanting to think about you leaving him before you had to. It just wasn't an option, as selfish as it seemed Jimin didn't want to let you go.

Jimin thanked the doctor and waited until he had left the room to break down into tears, heart breaking at how fragile you looked. He could still remember the first time he met you as if it was yesterday, a fresh memory planted into his head. There was no one else for him and he had always known that, even before you got together.

"This isn't how it's supposed to go Y/n. We were supposed to die together, not leave each other behind. I know i'm being selfish but please, please hang on. If not for me then for yourself and your future." Jimin begged as he kissed your palm, trying to express his feelings through the skin to skin contact.

The illness had been present most of your life, ever since childhood. You'd had many battles with it and won them, carrying the scars and courage that you'd picked up along the way on your shoulders. But it seemed that this was the finale and your body just wasn't responding to any type of treatment, meaning that the illness had come back with protection to ensure that it stripped you of everything you had.

"Can you remember the first time you beat this and you got to ring that special bell? I was so proud of you and clapped the hardest, hugging you as if i was trying to keep you together. It must have been the hardest thing you'd ever had to do and i'll never be able to understand it. You don't deserve this pain." Jimin couldn't help but smile at the fond memory of your first win against the illness as it was the first time he witnessed true bravery.

No one would've ever been able to understand the amount of pain, stress and fear that you had, had to endure in those many months of treatment. There were times when Jimin stayed up all night with you, wiping your tears as you screamed because of the pain. He had always been there for you and stuck by you, the thought of leaving you to fight on your own was worse than death.

So Jimin sat on the edge of your bed every day, reading to you and singing soft lullabies with a heavy heart. His body filled with hopes that you would fully recover and that the doctors premonitions would be wrong, even though at the back of his mind Jimin knew that you had already lost the war with your illness.

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