New Born Baby; J.JK

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No matter what you did to soothe him, your new born son just would not stop crying. He was bright red in the face and small droplets of tears rested on his soft cheeks, making you frown in concern. It was an awful sight to see but nothing was working to stop him which made you feel useless.

You had fed him, changed him and played with him but nothing changed and it was getting later and later into the night. Concerned is the only word you could use to describe yourself, what if there was something wrong with him?

You didn't want to wake Jungkook up and ask for his help because he had been taking a lot of night shifts recently and needed all the sleep he could get. Money had been tight ever since you gave birth to your son but you were extremely grateful to Jungkook for offering to help however he could.

A little later, Jungkook came downstairs with his hair tousled and sticking up due to him moving in his sleep. His eyes were puffy and swollen due to not having gotten enough sleep and his lips were pouted, making him look like a child.

"Give him here baby, I'll calm him down." He mumbled softly, his sleepy voice making a pang of guilt hit your chest. You felt like a failure because you weren't able to calm your son down but knew that if anyone could do it, it was Jungkook.

You nodded tiredly and gave Jungkook his son, yawning as you went. You were both tired but knew that you wouldn't get any rest if the baby didn't sleep so you had to work together.

Jungkook sat down and perched your son on his knee and coed softly, stroking his adorable little cheeks. Your son hiccuped and whimpered, opening his eyes a little and gurgling tiredly with a pouted lip. 'Just like his father' you thought to yourself.

Jungkook began to pull funny faces at him, causing your son to giggly softly before closing his eyes and instantly falling asleep. You stood there, gobsmacked at how little effort Jungkook had to put in whereas it took almost everything you had to make him stop crying for 5 minutes.

Jungkook kissed your cheek before going upstairs and settling your son in his crib then climbing back into bed to get the sleep he needed. Not long after you also got into bed and snuggled up to Jungkook to recharge your energy, ready for another day of coping with a newborn baby.

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