Spanish Dancing; K.TH

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The unfamiliar spanish beat pounded in your head as you walked into the club, shocked by how lively the dance floor was. It seemed like hundreds of dancers were there, sharing partners with each other.

Dance moves that you had never seen before were being expressed in time to the quick best of the native spanish melody, cheers and claps from people sat around the room just made the atmosphere ten times more lively. Everything was new to you and it thrilled you, feeding the adventurous part of your personality fully.

Back in Korea there would only be people sat at the bar sipping whiskey but the vibe was so different in Spain. Everyone was dancing and enjoying themselves, bright smiles and happy laughter spread through the air. You realised that this was the perfect place for you and you were glad to be experiencing it with your lover, Kim Taehyung.

You wanted to have a part in that too so quickly, you pulled Taehyung deep into the pit of dancing people and began to move your body along to the beat. You had no idea if you were dancing appropriately but decided not to worry too much about it. There didn't seem to be specific steps that the other people were doing anyway so you continued happily.

Taehyung was in awe, as per usual, at your body and watched every move you made with hearts in his eyes. He was truly obessesed with you and wouldn't be able to look away no matter how hard he tried to, his love for you drawing him to you.

You spun around and when you faced Taehyung again were shocked to see a pink rose hanging out of your mouth. A loud laugh escaped your mouth as he danced with the rose in his mouth, trying to fit in with the other Spanish dancers.

Going along with it, you pinned your hair back and smiled flirtatiously at Taehyung before putting one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hip. Taehyung's face fell as you moved closer to him, chest against his as you danced seductively.

"Mine." You whispered into Taehyung's ear before taking the rose out of his mouth and putting it in your own, raising your eyebrow and giggling when his mouth hung open in shock.

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