Solace; M.YG

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Requested by @IISUPRAJAII

"Oh come on Yoon, you deserve better than her anyways! Look, there are so many other deserving people-" you began, hoping to cheer your moping best friend up. Said male's lips were turned down slightly at the corners in a sad pout as he stared at nothing, eyes unfocused.

This always happened when Yoongi broke up with one of his many flings.

"I can't believe she cheated on me though." Yoongi sighed, eyes glazing over but not a single tear fell from them. A long time ago, he had promised himself that he wouldn't cry over anyone.

You had to bite your tongue to stop yourself from pointing out that this wasn't the first time his ex has cheated on him, knowing that it wouldn't make him feel any better about it.

"Forget her. How about this, you, me and a movie at my place tonight. Do we have a deal my good sir?" You joked, sticking your pinky in front of his face in hopes that he would wrap his own around it. His dark eyes flickered to the appendage for a brief moment before he looked away again, seemingly uninterested.

"I'd love to but I already have plans for tonight, could we maybe reschedule or something?"

"Plans? With who?"

"Well I've been texting this girl-"

And the cycle repeated itself.

"Ah I see, well i'm gonna get going then." You stated, getting up out of your chair and turning to leave. Yoongi seemed to perk up, seeming confused at your sudden change of demeanour.

"Where are you going? Wait up, i'll come with you." He called after you, scrambling to pick up his bag from where he had strewn it at his feet.

"No it's fine, I wanna go alone. I'll see you later though okay?" You smiled, trying desperately to ignore the dull ache in your chest. This was always the case when Yoong moved on to his next fling.

Yoongi watched you walk away from him, frowning slightly at your stand-offish behaviour. "Oh...okay then i'll see you later...I guess." He mumbled but you were already gone.


That night you laid in bed, staring up at the ceiling. The mark on the back of your neck was giving you trouble, burning and itching insistently which told you the nature of Yoongi's 'meet up' with the new girl he had been speaking to.

You weren't judgemental, you knew that some people were disillusioned with the idea that you should save yourself for your soulmate and that was completely okay.

Sometimes it just hurt that Yoongi seemed to have no remorse nor care for his potential soulmate - you. If you were being honest, you didn't know how Yoongi hadn't realised that you were his soulmate yet. You found yourself wishing that you were as oblivious as him, knowing that it would hurt much less.

Throughout all of the seemingly endless flings Yoongi went through you had chosen to stick by him, hoping that one day he would open his eyes and realise that you were right in front of him. However, Yoongi had made it perfectly clear that he wanted to keep you as a friend rather than try to pursue anything further.

"It's not that there is anything wrong with you." He had told you as you sat before him, eyes clearly showing the hurt you felt. Confused, you furrowed your brows at him.

"Well what is it then?"

He was silent for a moment, mulling over his words before spewing them at you.

"My relationships always go to shit. I don't want to hurt you, I care about you a lot. I'd rather keep you close as a friend than risk losing you because of something as stupid as a relationship."

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