confessing; K.TH

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A slight pink blush was dusted over his tan cheeks as he looked over at you, flustered by how beautiful you were. The smile on your face as you looked up at the blossom tree you were sat under made his stomach do backflips and his heart beat faster than it already was.

'I have to confess to her, now is the perfect time' Taehyung thought to himself as he took a deep breath while collecting his thoughts together, not wanting to stutter like a fool or mess up his words. He needed everything to be perfect.

"Hi Y/n, can I talk to you?" Taehyung said softly once he'd walked over to you as to not startle you. Slowly, you lifted your head up to make eye contact with him and blinked in confusion. It was no secret that Taehyung was good looking and you didn't know why he'd want to talk to you out of all people.

"Of course you c-can Taehyung-ah! What's up?" You said cheerfully while patting the space next to you, gesturing for him to sit down. When he smiled at you in thanks, you couldn't help but blush and look away as to not embarrass yourself. From a distance, the two of you looked adorable as you were so shy.

"I know that we don't talk that much feelings for you can't help but blossom, just like the tree we are sat under. You're beautiful, ethereal and there isn't anything that I don't love about you. I want to make you mine, the one thing that I cherish when everything is failing on me. Will you allow me to take you out on a date? Please don't feel pressured to say yes." Taehyung said softly while bravely looking into your eyes and taking your hands in his.

There was no rational reaction to how stunned you were. Out of everything you had thought he would say, this was not it. A thousand and one emotions ran through your body but only one stuck to your heart,


"I would love to go on a date with you Taehyung, but why me? There are so many prettier girls-" You began before Taehyung softly gripped your chin and turned your head so that you were making eye contact. His shoulders raised up and down softly, his breathing heavy as he tried to remain calm after becoming nervous from touching you so intimately.

"I want no one but you, please understand that. To me, you are the most perfect girl and I wouldn't want anyone else to be with me. If everything goes to plan, I will finally have you by my side as i've wanted to ever since I saw you." Taehyung said softly while glancing at your soft lips, desperately wanting to kiss them but also not wanting to overstep any of your boundaries.

With eyes full of tears, you wrapped your arms around Taehyung's neck and hugged him tightly against your chest. You were so grateful to have Taehyung in your life, he was your happiness.

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