𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮

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After the study session with Kirishima, it was time for them to head to bed, as they both said their goodbyes.

"Goodnight Kiri."

"Night Midoriya."

Midoriya yawned as he made his way to his bed.

He covered up and went to sleep.


The next morning came, as everyone was getting up.

Midoriya was already up and going, and he was just waiting for his friends.

Bakugou woke up early as well, as he came into the living room, and saw Midoriya.

"Deku?! What the hell you doing here?!" Bakugou yelled as he startled Midoriya.

"N-nothing Kacchan! I'll leave!" Midoriya said as he left and went to class.

'Sorry guys..!'


Midoriya was walking to lunch, as he sat in a table as he waited for his friends, when Bakugou came by.

"Oi nerd!!"

Midoriya jolted as he got up from his spot.

"S-sorry Kacchan! I'll leave!" Midoriya said as he grabbed his tray of food, and went to another table spot.


Bakugou didn't care, as he left the table area.


Almost all day, Midoriya has been running away from Bakugou which was pissing him off.

He didn't was Midoriya to run off.

I guess it was hard for him to tell Midoriya to stay.

Bakugou was quiet all day as it worried his teammates, but he didn't have the energy to tell them what was wrong.

Midoriya also noticed this as he was about to go check on him, when someone pulled him away.


Midoriya was pulled away from Bakugou, as he got farther and farther away from Bakugou.


Midoriya was trying to find Bakugou everywhere, but couldn't find him.

He sighed as the bell rang, and of course it was break time.

Midoriya put his things away in his locker, as he was about to close it when it shut by itself.

Midoriya jolted as he turned around and it was Bakugou.

"K-kacchan! Where were you? I was trying to look for you.!" Midoriya said as he stared at Bakugou.

Bakugou didn't say anything to him, as it was making Midoriya a bit nervous.

"K-kacchan?" Midoriya stuttered as Bakugou slammed his hand on Midoriya's locker, and trapped Midoriya under himself.

"What wrong Kacchan?" Midoriya asked as he saw how close they were as he turned away and blushed.

"Look at me."

Midoriya shivered at the sound of Bakugou's voice, but he didn't turn his head.

Bakugou growled and grabbed Midoriya's chin and turned it himself.

Midoriya's and Bakugou's eyes were looking at each other, as Midoriya was still blushing.

Bakugou smirked as he got closer.

Midoriya tried to back away or turn away, but Bakugou's grip on his chin was a bit strong.

There lips were about to touch, when the bell rang.

"Oh look-! The bell! Bye Kacchan!" Midoriya said as he quickly pushed away Bakugou, and ran away to class.

Bakugou growled as the bell had ruined his chance to kiss Midoriya.

'I'll get you next time nerd~..'

'K-kacchan was going to kiss me!!'


All day Midoriya has been quiet, and red, as everyone kinda asked if he was okay, as he made of an excuse to not tell them what had happened to him.

On the other hand, Bakugou was enjoying what the nerd was going through, and was watching.

Midoriya blushed even more, as he knew that Bakugou was enjoying what Midoriya was going through.

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