𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟴

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Kirishima was making his way to UA as he spotted someone hurting a women, and quickly went over to stop him.

"Hey you! Leave her alone!" Kirishima shouted as the man chuckled and used his quirk on Kirishima, but missed him.

Or so he thought.

Kirishima used his quirk as he defeated the man and the UA teachers came out to take him away.

Kirishima felt a bit odd, but thought it was just his imagination.


Midoriya was making his way to the library to return some books he borrowed, but bumped into someone.

'Why do I always bump into someone'

Midoriya picked up his scattered books, as he got up from the floor.

"I'm sorry about that- woah! Kirishima..?" Midoriya asked as he stared at Kirishima weirdly.

"Hey Midoriya! Why are you looking at me like that..?"

Midoriya eyes sparkled as he walked closer to Kirishima, and touched something that was on top of his head.

Kirishima liked it.

Midoriya grabbed Kirishima's hand and pulled him towards the bathroom.

"Midoriya? Why are we-?"

Kirishima looked into the mirror and saw that he had ears.

Animal ears.

"Cool!" Kirishima exclaimed as he looked at the ears from different angles.

"Wah~! But Kiri, how did this happen?"

Kirishima explained what happened this morning as Midoriya knew that the man's quirk was to change people to animals.


Midoriya and Kirishima told Aizawa about the situation as he told All Might and Principal Nezu.

After that was settled, Kirishima and Midoriya went to class.

Kirishima had grown an attachment to Midoriya as he would follow him everywhere.


Midoriya didn't mind though, and then he noticed that Kirishima had a tail.

The tail wasn't there before, as he was a bit worried.

"Hey Kiri, I'm going to go to Aizawa for a moment. Mind waiting for me?" Midoriya asked as Kirishima whimpered.

"I promise to be quick."

Kirishima didn't want to leave Midoriya's side, but nodded as Midoriya smiled and left.


Kirishima was bored as Kaminari and Todoroki appeared.

"Hey Kiribro!" Kaminari said as he ran to Kirishima.

"Hello Kirishima."

"Hey guys."

Todoroki and Kaminari sat down next to him as they started petting him and giving him attention.

Todoroki also figured out that Kirishima likes to have his chin scratched.

Midoriya came back a few minutes later and found Todoroki and Kaminari with Kirishima.

"Oh hey guys!" Midoriya said.

"Hey Midoriya!"


Midoriya noticed Todoroki was doing something to Kirishima's chin, as he walked right over to them.

"Todoroki, what are you doing?"

"Oh well I just figured out that Kirishima likes to have his chin scratched." Todoroki said as he stopped scratching Kirishima's chin.

"Want to tr-"

"Why did you stop. Keep going." Kirishima said, but his voice was dark when he said it.

"O-okay.." Todoroki said as he quickly went back to scratching his chin.

Kirishima was back to being happy as Kaminari fainted from how scary Kirishima is.

"Wahh! Kaminari!"

"Oh? Kamibro? What's wrong?" Kirishima asked as Kaminari did not reply.

Midoriya sighed as he couldn't help but laugh a little.

Midoriya noticed something, as he got closer to Kirishima and saw that his hands had turned into paws.

"Kirishima your hands."

Kirishima looked at his hands as they were paws as his eyes sparkled.


Midoriya chuckled as he expected this reaction from Kirishima.

Midoriya was a bit interested in touching Kirishima's paws as he kept staring at them and Kirishima noticed as he smiled.

"Want to touch them?" He asked as Midoriya's eyes sparkled.

Midoriya grabbed Kirishima's paws and pushed it.

His claws came out when he pushed the paws and his eyes sparkled.

Midoriya loved the feeling of Kirishima's paws since they were pretty soft.

Kirishima eventually was tired as he said his goodnights to everyone, and went to his dorm to get his sleep.

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