𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱

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"Thanks Iida so much for your help." Midoriya said as Iida smiled.

"No worries Midoriya. But we should head to class now. Shall we?" Iida said as Midoriya smiled.



Midoriya went to all his classes, and did all his work as usual.

But something was off with the girls.

Some of them looked upset, while others looked like they were uncomfortable.

Midoriya was a bit worried, but he knew he had to focus, and decided to ask Uraraka his question later.


Some of the guys were whispering some stuff about the girls in Class 1A.

"We'll get to see them like that~."

"Some of the girls have nice bodies.. I'll gladly watch~."

Midoriya was pissed with that comment as he quickly ran to ask Uraraka his question that has been bugging him.

He ran and ran, but he couldn't find Uraraka.

He tried asking some people but they weren't much help.

"Midoriya! We have to get ready for P.E! This will be a major downfall for you if you don't get dressed!" Iida said as Midoriya sighed.

"Coming Iida!"

Midoriya was now worried, but had to hurry to P.E.


Midoriya changed into his P.E clothes, and hurry on out to the field.

As he came out of the field, the girls weren't in their P.E clothes.

They were in cheerleading uniforms.

But why?

Midoriya was about to head over to Uraraka to ask why she and the girls were dressed in cheerleading  uniforms, but it was time for the boys to run.

Midoriya walked away, as he was still worried about the girls.

The girls on the other hand were a bit uncomfortable.

Mina was holding Jiro since Jiro  was the most uncomfortable from the rest of the girls.

"Why did we have to do this?" Jiro complained, as she snuggled into Mina.

"I know girl. But we can't do anything about it now."

"These skirts are extremely uncomfortable.." Momo said as she tried her best to lower the skirt so her butt won't show.

"Look at the bright side girls..! We look very beautiful.!" Uraraka said as she jumped a bit and shook her pompoms.

Though she couldn't help but say the words uncomfortably.

The girls tried to chuckle, but it was hard.


Midoriya returned from running, as Mineta was his usual self, and trying to see the girls butt, and boobs.

The girls tried to get him away as Midoriya quickly went to the girls.

"Mineta! Stop harassing the girls!"

"Oh come on Midoriya, let me just-"


Mineta turned around as he saw an angry Aizawa, and quickly went to do his laps.

The girls thanked Midoriya, and Aizawa as Midoriya remembered his question.

"Um.. Uraraka? Why are you guys in cheerleading uniforms?" Midoriya asked as Uraraka shrugged.

"We have no clue either. But it's only for today. I just want the guys to stop looking already.." Uraraka said as she tried to cover her front.

Midoriya saw some guys smirking as they were staring at the girls which pissed him off.

"Hey I'll be back." Midoriya said as he ran off.

"Eh?! Where are you-? Annd.. he's gone."

Midoriya had an idea that would make the girls feel a bit better.


'Wonder what is taking Midoriya so long.. he's been gone for- ehhh?!!!'

Uraraka was shocked at what she was seeing as some of the girls were wondering what she was looking at that made her so shocked until they were shocked as well.


The girls caught everyone's attention.

"Why the hell are you screaming-?!" Bakugou yelled but immediately stopped and saw Midoriya in the cheerleading uniform.

"Why the hell are you screaming-?!" Bakugou yelled but immediately stopped and saw Midoriya in the cheerleading uniform

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"Wah Deku-kun~!! You look amazing!" Uraraka said as the girls agreed.

Midoriya did some cheers as the girls felt more comfortable, and decided to join Midoriya.

Midoriya chuckled as he was glad that the girls weren't uncomfortable anymore.

The boys saw all Midoriya cheers as some of them blushed, other fainted, and ones were on fire.

No really.

Todoroki's on fire.

Midoriya saw Todoroki, as he gasped.

"Waahh!! Todoroki!! You're on fire!!" Midoriya yelled as he ran towards him, and went to put out his fire.

The girls laughed as they were all feeling much better after what Midoriya did for them.

'Thanks Deku-kun.'

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