𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟯

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Midoriya couldn't handle everyone asking him if he was okay, since the scene of Bakugou and him almost kissing would pop up.

He was excused to go to the nurse's office, as he took the offer, and left the classroom.


Midoriya came into the office as there was no nurse as he looked around and sat down, as he felt something or rather someone.

He quickly got up as he saw it was Shinso.

"Wahh! S-shinso! I'm so sorry! I swear I didn't mean to sit on your bed!"

Shinso groaned as he got up from his spot, and just left.

Midoriya sighed, as he decided to sleep in Shinto spot since it was already warm, and took a nap.


Midoriya woke up, as he realized he missed all his classes!

Midoriya quickly went to each one of his classes so he can finish there homework.

After he did that, he decided to go back to his dorm and finish the assignments there.

But he stopped.


Well, he was hearing some noises.

What kind?


Midoriya turned his head as it was coming from behind the school.

Midoriya made his way towards the house as he saw it was a kitty.

But he didn't expect to see Shinso.

Shinso was petting the kitty, and it purred when he pet it.

"Shinso?" Midoriya said as he stood there looking at both Shinso and the kitty.

The kitty hissed when Midoriya appeared as Midoriya backed away a little.

Shinso tried to calm the kitty down, but the kitty ended up scratching him.

"Wahh! Shinso!" Midoriya said worriedly as he ran towards Shinso.

He grabbed his hand, as his blood was dripping a bit.

Midoriya pulled off his backpack, and bandaged his hand.

"Good thing I carry bandages.." Midoriya said as he was done wrapping Shinso's injury.

"Thanks.." Shinso said in a deep, but soft voice.

"No problem!" Midoriya said as the kitty came back as it looked a bit down.

It purred onto Shinso's hand as Shinso pat it's head.

Midoriya smiled as he picked up the kitty, and the kitty I guess kinda already liked Midoriya.

It purred as Midoriya pets it.

Shinso yawned as he was tired, and wanted to lay on something of rather someone.

He decided Midoriya would be his pillow for now.

Shinso grabbed Midoriya by the waist, and pulled him closer to himself, as he cuddled into him.

Midoriya jolted at his touch when he was being pulled, and blushed when he saw Shinso sleeping soundly on him.



After Shinso woke up, he apologized that he kept Midoriya like that for a whole 2 hours, and of course Midoriya didn't mind.

"Well I got to go finish some homework! See you around Shinso!" Midoriya said as he ran back to his dorm.


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