𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟲

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Midoriya was making his way back from his jog when he saw a familiar looking hat.

"Kota?" Midoriya said as the little boy turned around and smiled widely.

"Izuku!!" Kota yelled as he ran towards Midoriya and hugged him.

"It is you! What are you doing out here alone Kota?" Midoriya asked as Kota chuckled nervously.

"..see the funny story is that- oh woah! Is that UA?!" Kota said as he tried to get away from having that conversation with Midoriya.

"Oh- yeah. This is UA. Do you like it?" Midoriya asked.

Of course Midoriya bought Kota's shift of conversation.

"I've never been here so I don't know what it really looks like.." Kota said as he was still looking at UA.

"Do you want to explore?" Midoriya asked as Kota eyes sparkled.


"Sure, why not?" Midoriya said as he held his hand out.

Kota smiled and grabbed his hand as they entered UA.


Midoriya was showing Kota around UA when he bumped into someone.

"Ouch- wahh!! I'm so sorry!" Midoriya said as he fell to the ground and apologized to whoever he bumped into.

"Tch! What where your going-! Deku?!"

It was Bakugou.

"Oh-! Hey Kacchan!" Midoriya said as he gave Bakugou a smile.

Bakugou turned away flustered as Kota glared at Bakugou.

"Izuku! Come on let's go! We have still so much to see!" Kota said as he wanted to leave with Midoriya ASAP.

Bakugou glared as he knew what Kota was up to and smirked at him.

"Oh alright Kota. Do you want to join Kacchan?" Midoriya asked as Kota was a bit surprised.

"Izuku! I think Bakugou would rather-"

"Whatever, I don't care." Bakugou said as Midoriya smiled and off they continued with the tour.


Midoriya and Bakugou were waiting on the field since Kota wanted to go explore a bit alone.

"Who are we waiting for again?" Bakugou asked as Midoriya was confused.

"Kota of course. What do you mean-?"


Kota was back from exploring as he glared at Bakugou.

Kota looked back at Midoriya as he smiled happliy.

"You're such an awesome hero~!" Kota complimented as Bakugou chuckled.

"As if. I'm way more better than Deku!" Bakugou said as Midoriya sighed.

Kota glared as he then though of something.

"You're just jealous." Kota said as he crossed his arms and turned away from Bakugou.

'HA?! What did this brat just say?!'

Midoriya happily gasped.


Midoriya walked towards Kota and he picked him up.

"Uwah~! You're so strong Izuku!" Kota complimented again as Midoriya chuckled.

Bakugou glared at Kota as he was jealous.

Kota then smirked at Bakugou as he whispered...

"Choose your words carefully next time, Bakugou.."

Bakugou was shocked as he growled and Kota went back to putting his attention on Midoriya.

*Another short chapter :>*

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