𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟯

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Midoriya woke up the next morning, but he groaned as he didn't feel like getting up.

But Midoriya got up and quickly got ready to head to class.

He was actually the first one up as the shower was empty, and he was kinda glad no one was there.

He had breakfast, did his hair, and waited for his friends in the dorm living room.

As he waited, Tokoyami came down with Dark Shadow, and smiled.

"Good morning Izuku."

Midoriya groaned in replied which was rude, even for him.

"Sorry Tokoyami.. good morning." Midoriya said as he knew he came off rude and apologized.

Tokoyami accepted his apology as he made Dark Shadow his usual light coffee, as he made himself a black coffee.


Midoriya went into class as he was quieter than usual, and we all know that he would mumble for a while.

No one really noticed, but Tokoyami noticed this.

Aizawa also noticed this, but had to teach the class right now so he couldn't ask Midoriya at the moment.

Midoriya didn't really have the energy to gather up all his notes, so he just tried his best to make his notes simple and short.

Iida came by as he saw Midoriya's notes and gasped in disbelief.

"Midoriya! As class representative, these notes are unacceptable!" Iida said as he point his whole arm at his notes.

Midoriya groaned as he closed his notebook and left to his next class.

Iida turned to stone as he felt so heartbroken.


All day Midoriya has been acting really off, as Tokoyami decided to do something for him.

Midoriya was having lunch by himself, and I guess he didn't want to be rude to his friends if he was in his own bad mood.

Tokoyami came right over to him as he sat down next to him.

They both sat in silence as Midoriya sighed.

"Do you need something Tokoyami?" Midoriya asked as he looked at Tokoyami in the eye.

"Are you okay Midoriya..?" Tokoyami asked as Midoriya was silent.

"Sorry.. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed I guess.. I just didn't feel like being joyful today you know.." Midoriya said as he was letting out his feelings.

Tokoyami chuckled as Dark Shadow handed Midoriya a little flower.

"Dark Shadow love Izuku."

Midoriya smiled as he grabbed the flower from Dark Shadow.

"Thanks Tokoyami, Dark Shadow.. I needed this." Midoriya said as he looked at the flower with a smile.

Tokoyami blushed as Dark Shadow swirled around Midoriya as Midoriya giggled.

Midoriya was now feeling a lot better.

Tokoyami and Midoriya hanged out with each other, and they were enjoying each other's company.

They both were having so much fun, as they talked about many things.

Tokoyami was smiling whenever Midoriya would rant off about ALL might since he is his favorite hero.

It was about time for them to head to bed since it was already night time as Midoriya smiled at Tokoyami.

"Thanks Tokoyami for today! I had a great time! Let's hang out more often yeah?"

"S-sure.!" Tokoyami said as he stuttered and blushed a bit.

Midoriya smiled happily and waved goodbye and left to his dorm room.

*sorry this chapter is short, didn't really have any more to write :<*

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